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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I wear my ‘tinfoil hat’ as a badge of honour scotty. There’s nothing better than seeing the ‘know all brigade’ (Roops etc.) trying to deny that they were wrong by deflecting, name calling and stamping their feet. Cunts like her are my raison d’etre.
  2. I’ve got a 14” Murphy. My missus was very impressed when I first showed it to her.
  3. Youtube Dr John Campbell UK Parliament debate Andrew Bridgen MP speaking the truth about the MRNA vaccines. The mere handful of MPs in the chamber shows how much the rest of the right honourable vermin give a flying fuck about the harm done to the plebs due to their actions and policies over the past 3 years. Jail sentences are nowhere near enough for the lazy, incompetent, arrogant and corrupt fucking bastards.
  4. Did you see Ronnie Os 147 the other day in the English Open? Not sure exactly but around 7 to 8 minutes. He did a 137 in the previous frame. Judd Trump done a 147 earlier and I reckon Ronnie just wanted to show that he’s still the guvnor when he can be bothered.
  5. It’s got that smell of cordite that makes you close your eyes and imagine a world without cops. Like the smell of the leather seats in a Mk.10 Jag.
  6. I’ve always found dead people funny.
  7. Looks like we have a deal Eric.
  8. You’re a very lucky man scotty. I’d give my right arm to have a telly.
  9. Have you given any consideration to the fact that pretending to be a female seems to have made people despise you even more? I don’t mean your family as that would be below the belt 😘 and also because you don’t have any. Have a Merry Christmas on your own.
  10. As the evidence of the harm that these vaccines are causing and the criminal acts of the politicians, medical community, MSM etc. who’ve collaborated together mounts every day, and will very soon be the accepted narrative, I’ve called an emergency meeting of all my fellow tinfoil hat commanders to discuss our imminent about turn and show the public how safe and effective these wonderjabs undoubtedly are, and how honest and definitely not corrupt our leaders are too. Any cunt who thinks it’s easy being a conspiracy theorist obviously hasn’t tried it.
  11. Oh yeah that’s right. Now I remember changing my mind about Bill Gates and blamed Klaus Schwab and the WEF instead. If only there was a picture of them together or some evidence that connected them no matter how circumstantial. Oh hang on a minute. What’s that? Billy boy and Klaus have been spotted together how many times? If only I’d known they were cosier than Jeremy Hunt and Xi Jinping there would have been no need for me to ‘change my mind’. Fuck off.🤣
  12. Are you looking for a ‘cockfight’?
  13. Firstly, me describing these MRNA vaccines as ‘experimental’ was and is a factual statement, as no MRNA vaccine (or therapeutic which is what they appear to have now become, clearly having no effect whatsoever in reducing transmission of the ‘killer virus’ lol, despite all the initial propaganda stating the opposite as fact). Pfizer now admit that they never even tested their wonderjab’s ability to reduce or stop transmission prior to its rollout (under emergency use regulations). The blood clot causing Astra Zeneca jab has now quietly disappeared off the radar in most of the countries who initially bought it, despite being the cheapest of them all. I guess that’s why the African market seems to be the only customers on their books now, price being infinitely more important than safety over there. Secondly, your statement that I ‘asserted’ that these vaccines caused liver cancer is simply untrue and tbh nothing that I wouldn’t expect from you. I remember commenting that traces of the spike protein had been found in liver cells in some trials somewhere. I’ve never claimed to have any expertise in complicated scientific matters, just that I smelled a rat from the start of the ‘Plandemic’ and I’m far from alone in believing that. You however knew fuck all about the origin of the virus (manufactured v natural occurrence) but being the way you are pretended to be some sort of authority on the subject. No surprise there. I think quite a few punters see you now as the pretentious fool that I always have done, so keep on doing what you do and hopefully the remaining few diehard bootlickers will eventually pull their tongues out of your arse and see it too. 🤣😘
  14. I posted this nom 14 months ago. 33,000+ views and 1,600+ replies later and despite the Vulcans constant ridicule and attempts at debunking it I’m more convinced than ever of the wilful crime that has been committed on the human race.
  15. If there was an honest media the truth about these vaccines would be the only story every single day, but they were the cheerleaders for it after 2 years pushing for lockdowns and Covid fearmongering, so they will never tell the public the truth.
  16. I’ve got 2 dogs and I reluctantly pick up their shit in a bag and bin it if anyone’s around, but I can’t help thinking that Blunkett and all those Mr. McGoo cunts must have really smelly fucking fingers.
  17. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    Ulster as I knew it growing up sank below the waves a long time ago Doc. The Good Friday Agreement holed it below the waterline and the Unionists fell for the con, foolishly thinking that the U.K. wouldn’t betray them for the sake of short term political convenience, when they should have just looked at Britains historical lack of any moral compass whatsoever.
  18. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    Labour and the Tories are nowadays just 2 festering boils on the same shit encrusted arsehole. Both subservient to their globalist masters and devoid of any loyalty to the moronic cunts who religiously trek down to the polling station every 4 or 5 years, and scribble X for whichever of the 2 so called ‘democratic choices’ they stupidly believe will be the answer to the incumbent bunch of verminous wankers they stupidly put their trust in last time.
  19. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    And there lies the problem. It’s no wonder the U.K. is falling to fucking bits before our eyes. Which Whitehall genius came up with the plan to let the Irish build Britain? Surely the ‘unsinkable’ Titanic’s minor teething problems would have raised a few eyebrows?
  20. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    Raas. Please don’t take this the wrong way as I’ve grown to like you and your take on most topics which get to be discussed on here. But unless I’m completely barking up the wrong tree on this particular one, ‘Footballs never coming home’ because 21st century England is rapidly becoming home to every stinking cunt on the planet who can make his way to Calais and climb into a dinghy alongside several identical stinking cunts. England/Great Britain/the U.K. or whatever doesn’t actually exist anymore thanks to decades of cowards and traitors masquerading as our elected representatives.
  21. Wasn’t she found crushed to death underneath half a gram of Charlie?
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