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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. What’s blue and fucks old ladies? Neil in his lucky blue jumper.
  2. White Lightning had its critics when it first came out CBB. Just saying. 🍾
  3. Pen might disagree as his entire wardrobe consists of previously owned Westwood garbage, acquired from the mens rail in his local charity shop.
  4. Come on Doc. I thought you were a bit smarter than to fall for this deep state takedown so quickly. As usual nowadays the MSM are all over this because Tate has had the bollocks to stick his head above the parapet but let’s see what they have to say (nothing 🤔) when this very conveniently timed ‘breaking fake news’ story quickly runs out of clicks and the climate goblin Greta’s Twitter team have called off the hounds.
  5. Happy new year you decomposing old freak. Let’s hope it’s your last. Fuck off.
  6. Can you listen to ‘The Boss’ in your hammock without being fully vaxxed and masked? Just asking as that’s the only way any cunt daft enough to waste their money on a ticket can gain admission to the fossilised old wankers live gigs. Personally I’d rather listen to Rod Stewart’s son’s defibrillator exploding, immediately followed by his Dads arsehole imploding.
  7. So you can’t decide then?
  8. Like Kylie when she laughed her tits off?
  9. Next Christmas he should inform loads of AIDS carriers that they’re all clear and stop their repeat prescriptions. Then clear out the GP practices bank accounts and fuck off on a round the world vacation. They’ll all be dead by the time he gets back to work so everyone’s a winner at the end of the day.
  10. To be applied to the tristicles thrice daily.
  11. Joe Biden will be absolutely fucking furious if they ever find a cure for dementia and ask him what’s been going on while he’s been stumbling around, pissing his pants, sniffing kids hair and getting rich for the last fifty years. This has all the hallmarks of a classic Donald Trump ‘threat to US democracy’ imo.
  12. Next time DC, but the cunt in the passenger seat (who I love dearly) was touching cloth and her mum works at Watford Gap services (fitting lorry tyres) so she gets the VIP treatment (a free egg and onion sandwich) every time she pops in for an emergency clearout. Swings and roundabouts mate.
  13. DC I came back from Belfast on the day sailing to Birkenhead yesterday. It was raining heavily when we arrived , but not heavily enough to hide the absolute fucking eyesore across the river, so the imaginary M4 got a damn good thrashing down the M53 past Elmsmere Port and Runcorn to the M56 and onward to the big smoke. Happy new year.
  14. Climate goblin Greta Thunderberg, tragically mown over by lardarse Jeremy Clarkson in his V8 dolphin blood powered muscle-car while momentarily distracted lobbing a giant turd at Meghan Markle’s hairy chimp like arse.
  15. Quite understandable really. A hangover the next morning could spoil your joy and jubilation when recalling the previous days great work.
  16. You’ve spelled wogs wrong Neil.
  17. I believe he has a family though. Lol.
  18. She deserves a shiny BBC sponsored platform for her big day. Do you know when the execution is taking place and will it be on BBC1 or 2?
  19. King Billy

    Qatar 2022

    White players will be banned in future to make sure this sort of disgraceful racist outrage never occurs again. If the black 0.3% of the Argentine population had been fairly represented, possibly Messi with a suntanned little finger, it would have been a much fairer contest imo. I couldn’t help thinking of the 1936 Olympics in Berlin watching it.
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