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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. CC’s ‘Dynamic Duo’ Batwoman and the fucking Joker.
  2. You’re probably right. I can’t deny that I’ve always found it difficult to ignore a freak.
  3. If you PM’d Pen I’m sure you’d find something interesting to keep you both busy for a while.
  4. Fuck off. No one’s interested in any of your boring shit.
  5. I bet you regret buying that case of fake Chinky ‘White Rightning’ cider at the car boot sale on Sunday now. You’ve obviously caught the new variant. And you can kiss bye bye to your granny if you’ve both been swigging from the same bottle waiting for the bus home.
  6. ‘Eco spade’ tickled my ribs too. Next he’ll be calling Ed a ‘Climate coon’, a ‘Carbon zero Zulu’, or a ‘Weather wog’ now that he’s on a roll. Fucking racist cunt.
  7. The only ‘Paras’ you can ever hope to be a part of is the paralympics. The ‘non gender specific’ pole vault probably.
  8. The Long Kesh H block screws almost got it right, but letting Sands and the rest of the smelly cunts have a blanket was out of order imo. There were homeless ex Paras at the time who'd earned those blankets.
  9. Pissing on clients face £75 per hour. Laughing while pissing on clients face £25 per hour extra. Trying to convince your wife it’s not you when the cctv footage goes viral….. priceless.
  10. Probably can’t find his bottle opener.
  11. Stupid goose buggering faux French cunt can’t even get that right. I’m wondering if it might be better if Frank returned from the grave and Withers took his place in the walnut veneered spunk capsule.
  12. It’s truly great that young people growing up in your utopian paradise now have the option of having their arseholes destroyed every day by the local priest or one of the poor Muslim wretches who’ve fled persecution with only the Armani suit on their back, the iPhone 14 in their pocket and now live in your mums old council house with three wives, ten chickens and a goat. Chucky Allah!
  13. Did you get the parcel of shit I sent you for Christmas in the cooler? Sorry there wasn’t a bit more but I was worried about running out if Meghan passes by our house.
  14. If you’d added ‘alone and pathetic’ to the end of this post Wolfie I’d give it 10/10. But tbf stating the obvious probably wasn’t necessary.
  15. Happy new year Panzy. I’m glad you’re not dead sort of.
  16. Cheaper than firing up the central heating at the moment though. ’”Right you little monsters. Who wants to play Heating or beating?”
  17. The groom’s had a lucky escape there imo. Marrying a bird with no sense of humour ffs.
  18. King Billy

    Maxi Jazz

    The head of Chris Whitty and the body of a roll top desk wearing 2 pairs of pink ‘Crocs’.
  19. It seems that Covid 19 has almost completely disappeared in Africa, despite only 20% (approx) of people currently having subjected themselves to the experimental jib jab. Yet the rest of the allegedly civilised world who are obviously much cleverer and well informed are still in the grip of this life threatening plague and being constantly frightened by warnings of the next imminent wave, despite obediently rolling up their (and their kids) sleeves and queuing up like retarded lemmings for their latest wonder booster every few weeks when instructed. If both my grannies weren’t already dead I’d say the safest place on the planet for them would be Uganda or Kenya probably.
  20. I grew up thinking I had a birthmark on my arse. Turned out to be a cigar burn. How’s about that then?
  21. Incase any of you cunts have been wondering where the Vulcan has been recently, she’s been safely chained up in my shed over the Christmas period. I’ve been thrashing the living daylights out of her huge ginger buttocks regularly with a cat of nine tails and I will be parading her in all her enormous naked glory through the streets of London on New Year’s Day so the general public can chuck all your leftover Xmas shite at her. Happy new year and fuck off.
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