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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Like all the fat ugly birds who reckon they’re just ‘big boned’. So how come there aren’t any fat skeletons then?
  2. The long good Friday?
  3. I’m sure there’s a law against that sort of thing, especially if the patient is unconscious and unable to consent.
  4. Pen’s not a ghost as he’s been refusing to die for hundreds of years, but like a ghost he sure puts the willies up everyone. He’s definitely a brain numbing, cross dressing old bag of shit though. Tbf Cunts Corner wouldn’t be the same without the ridiculous, mothball reeking old Oxfam shop mannequin cunt. It would be slightly fucking better, but probably not that much imo.
  5. I’ve found the Dublin underworld far more interesting for at least a decade than their fading counterparts over here Panzy. The Kinahans and the Hutches etc. have been far more active and their antics a lot more entertaining than the A team and the Reilly’s over here whose business model has run out of steam in the big smoke in recent years. The U.K. Proceeds of crime act changed the game over here and your equivalent will have the same effect eventually. As a very close associate of mine said to me 20 years or so ago “What’s the point of being a criminal with all the risks involved if you can’t have nice things?”
  6. I’ve got you a drink in already Frank. Usual table next to the gents toilets.
  7. I agree Raas but it looks like Pen will be the only one still alive to witness his triumphant comeback if the decrepit little spunk bucket ever posts another video or even a nom to claim his place as the ‘best on here’ and no doubt the self proclaimed GOAT. I’m very happy to know that I won’t be around to witness it.
  8. Fortunately for the rest of the U.K. population Frank has become something of a recluse since Harvey Proctor found a new PA and then being barred from The Admiral Duncan later that same day. So the answer would be no to all 3 questions. The cunt is an absolute fucking waste of space.
  9. Bumming brown is the only thing you’ve ever mastered Frank, but don’t give up on the basic spelling. You’re almost there.
  10. Why not build a huge mausoleum with them for Phil the Greek, maybe hire a couple of dozen hairy Greek birds as hod carriers and labourers. That should shut the whining arse fucking inventors up.
  11. The MSM fake news talking heads have been getting their panties in a twist today over the crumbling pile of builders rubble which is usually referred to as ‘The Elgin Marbles’ and has resided in Britain since 1801, when it was shovelled up from the ruins of a collapsed Greek hovel by a couple of Lord Elgins minions, tossed into a wheelbarrow and transported in a rubble sack back to his modest abode. At some later date this pile of shite ended up flytipped at the British Museum. It seems that ‘Boy George’ Osborne the baby faced wingman of ‘Call me Dave’ Cameron the former PM (and well known pig fucker) allegedly, has been for some time hiding from public view, masquerading as the chairman of said museum, and to keep his enormous brain ticking over he’s been in hush hush discussions with the Hellenic greaseball arsefuckers about returning this skip load of ancient building waste back to the landfill site it originated from. I suppose it’s far too much to hope for that Frank could be included as part of the deal to clear the U.K. of useless toxic foreign garbage and hope the fucking ship sinks on the way.
  12. I’ll PM the complete collection to you. I wouldn’t have anything to eat before watching them though scotty.
  13. I’ll post it for you Withers, along with the really bad ones too if you like. Did you really think I was going to delete them when you eventually settled your tab and I told you never to come back you filthy monster?
  14. This type of unfortunate accident isn’t as rare as you might think scotty. I recall Brian Harvey (East 17) accomplishing a similar if not even more difficult feat a while back. He managed to run himself over with his own car (BMW E36 M3) while driving it. I do hope they’ve started a trend among ‘celebrities’ as it would save the rest of us the bother of running any of the dopey cunts over.
  15. She’s not capable of doing it. I doubt she’s up to wiping her own arsecrack nowadays. Unfortunately poor Carl the fuckwitted drog is doomed to an end which although no one should ever have to endure, is entirely of his own making.
  16. Him and his brother have now been released from custody. Expect all accusations to quietly disappear with only the deafening sound of crickets from the MSM.
  17. Just another day at the races for the superslag, alongside all her other chores (far too many to list). We’re lucky not to have her. 😂
  18. Yeah scotty. It’s a fair cop. If it hadn’t been for those pesky flids I’d have gotten away with it.
  19. With over 7 million cunts on NHS waiting lists, excess deaths at over 800 a week (many of them dropping dead suddenly and shortly after having been medically experimented on), inflation at 8 or 9% and rising, taxes at their highest level since WW2, the economy of the U.K. and most other countries disappearing down the toilet, every cunt whose not on benefits is on strike or threatening to do so, there might be a strong case to argue that the fucking geniuses in the political, scientific, medical and media world who’ve caused and promoted all this fucking chaos, allegedly to protect us from certain death from Covid19 should all have their fucking toes removed with bolt cutters, their eyes gouged out with a potato peeler, then be strung up from the nearest lamp post.with a traffic cone rammed up their arse (sideways). Covid cheerleader cunts like big brain pom pom slag Roops should be first in the queue. Fucking ginger Welsh pile of shit cuntess.
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