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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Ask her out for a meal Raas. A decent ‘hedgehog buffet’ and a bottle of cheap Shiraz should do the trick.
  2. Gypps isn’t the enemy Raas. The spaghetti legged Greek bender will be laughing his loafers off right now.
  3. Out of likes. The well balanced human being that you undoubtedly are proves my point though.
  4. Don’t confuse mih Eric sff.
  5. Happy new year RK you Geordie cunt. You’ve been missed.
  6. I’m quite sure whoever adopts them after social services remove them from you, will consider renaming them something slightly less likely to guarantee them being kicked around the playground every day they attend school and probably ending up as transgender, homo, incel or some other type of nut job who’s only ambition is to stab, shoot or blow up as many of their school chums and teachers as possible. All of which could have been avoided if they had just been Sarah and Mike.
  7. You’ve spelled wank wrong. Idiot.
  8. I bet you get a kick from all this.
  9. And no one ever mentions that he invented the motorbike too.
  10. Stupid ginger cunt’s about as deadly as ‘Covid 19’ then it seems. Ape will be triple masked and back hiding under the bed if he finds out about this.
  11. Don’t waste your time Raas. His lot has been ridiculously claiming some territorial ownership of NI for so long now that it’s probably time for the Black and Tans to tour the Republic again and firmly explain things to them the only way they understand. I hope someone videos the complicated medical procedure at A and E when the doctors try to extract Father Murphys cock from the saxophone it’s mysteriously got caught up in, deep in Panzybabys poor battered dirt box, and posts it on YouTube.
  12. Name your price to leave her there Ed.
  13. The unwelcome news that her extraterrestrial heart hasn’t exploded yet due to the side effects of fuck knows how many experimental injections she’s had, has really put a downer on 2023 for me, and we’re only 8 days in ffs. ☹️
  14. You’re not the first dusky chap to have that effect on Frank Raas, and I’m sure you won’t be the last.
  15. I reckon she’s fucked off back to whatever planet she originated from before they told her to shut up and fuck off. The suicide rate on the mother ship will be through the roof probably.
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