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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You could have not included the great man Wolfie. I’m seriously taken aback by this outrage.
  2. It’s not as black or white as that. Just leave me alone.
  3. I’m sure that would thrill er.
  4. I’ve had to pick my own strawberries since the Brexit thing, but what really grinds my gears is the absolute state of my fucking toilet compared to pre 2016.
  5. Survived all that mayhem, and then the experimental MRNA vaccine got her when she wasn’t paying attention. 😂
  6. 100% right mate. There’s only you and me and a couple of other cunts singing from the same hymn sheet. 🎶Shall we gather by the river?🎶
  7. He can Kiss my hairy arse the queer looking cunt.
  8. No need for Roops, now that you’ve cleared everything up. 👍
  9. Next time you bump into him down at the offie I bet he’d love to hear your advice on how to sort his business out. I bet he wouldn’t have a clue how to repair his own fridge if it packed up either. As you say ‘What a stupid cunt’.
  10. You’ve spelled threaten wrong Wolfie.
  11. I don’t think so Gypps. The insufferable old shitbag fraudster has given up defending the indefensible and slithered off to lick her wounds. It’s actually quite sad 🤣but it was inevitable right from day one.
  12. My local Nike store have none so they must be very popular.
  13. You’re fortunate that I managed to give you a like milliseconds before a mental image of the fossilised old freaks anus appeared and the entire contents of my stomach made an unwelcome reappearance.
  14. Now you know how Novax Djokovic feels.
  15. Andrew Bridgen MP would definitely say “Yes motherfucker! It’s only just begun”.
  16. Slightly off topic but might interest you on YouTube. Ivor Cummins ’Elementally Evil Institutions: Wow………’ The corporate vaccine mafia have been granted immunity from legal action against them regarding the harm caused by their experimental poisons, but the US Federal gov. are suing these people for up to half a trillion dollars for daring to promote vitamin D and Zinc as beneficial in treating Covid 19, even though both these have decades of proven history in successfully boosting the immune system against respiratory viruses. Fuck Fauci.
  17. Who knows? Probably you actually, having the most enormous rocket on here.
  18. ‘Calm down lad. You’ll be out in 3.’
  19. You’ve spelled enormous wrong you illiterate fake female freak. Fuck off.
  20. Once would be enough if only it was you.
  21. Jeez that’s a powerful pair of wellies yer man there has on.
  22. 🎶Ground Control to Father Ted. Put your pyjamas back on, you’ve shit the bed.🎶
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