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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. That sounds very much like a conspiracy theory WC and we all know (thanks to the Vulcan) that those are best left to me. Thank fuck we have her. 🤣
  2. Laying some flowers on the overgrown site of your grandads U boat breakers yard? I can picture you sat there crying, with a massive bratwurst inserted in your arse, necking a litre bottle of Aldi’s own brand schnapps and murdering Wagners greatest hits on your rusty old sax till it completely filled up with vomit. 🎶It’s the most wonderful time of the year🎶
  3. Carl is just Franks current penile wart Raas. He’ll be gone before you can say ‘Compound W’ when Frank selects a new one to take his place.
  4. King Billy

    The BBC

    He probably thought it was a mosque and no one would take any notice of what he was doing.
  5. Leaving aside your ludicrous assertions about the dozens of highly qualified people in the video who are only a few of the ever increasing number of people now publicly raising huge concerns about, and calling for a halt to these vaccines, risking their careers and their reputations in doing so, I’d be grateful if you’d let me know who the fuck Alan Tate is, from what or where exactly has he been released, and when precisely did I get my knickers in a twist about this event? Seek help. You definitely need it. 😘
  6. King Billy

    The BBC

    Or devote an entire episode of Newsnight to the current epidemic of white female ‘juvenile delinquency’, with several innocent ‘Asian’ men (identities hidden due to threats from far right extremists) speaking out and demanding that these girls be stoned to death in public. No doubt Kirsty Wark (or whichever lizard based presenter was inside the silicone suit) would in full compliance with the BBC charter apologetically ask Ahmed and Abdul whether the taxpayer or the girls family should pay for the pile of rocks and clearing up after the mass public celebrations?
  7. It’s become apparent that you really do have nothing left. Unlike most people I’m not going to gloat over your spectacular humiliation, even if as I suspect, it’s partly a consequence of the numerous doses of the ‘totally safe’ experimental mRNA products you’ve boasted about having. Get well soon. 😘
  8. King Billy

    The BBC

    I’ve checked and there’s one at 23.06 tonight. Hopefully he might even get flattened by a 44 ton artic on the unlit, icy A38 when he’s walking to the station in his granny’s size 18 stiletto heeled ankle boots.
  9. Brilliant. I was pretty sure you’d have the answer to all these silly ‘conspiracy sheep’ doctors. 👍
  10. Would anyone even care if the cunt went down like a Giant Redwood and fell off the stage? I know I wouldn’t.
  11. You tube video Channel: Christopher Norris Title: U.K. Doctors Call For Government Investigation of mRNA COVID……. Mrs. Roops? 🤔
  12. King Billy

    The BBC

    Goes by the name of Lady Penelope nowadays.
  13. King Billy

    The BBC

    Clearly their prayers to the Prince of Darkness went unheard. All that fire down there and bottled it against one fucking ice cube.
  14. King Billy

    The BBC

    Are you calling my great Grandad a shit riveter Raas? Grandad Billy is still a Harland and Wolf legend mate. A Goliath of a man.
  15. Ive hated the cunts all my life WC. Being bashed up, verballed up, then fitted up to improve their almost non existent numbers of actual crimes solved has been standard practice in my experience. Occupational hazard, goes with the job but the prospect of ‘Dave the bastard’ walking into the cell, cup of tea in one hand and his huge throbbing member in the other has changed the game imo.
  16. They just changed the name to the TSG. I think it was the same time as the Marathon/Snickers and Opal Fruits/Starbursts operation.
  17. King Billy


    When I read this last night I was so horrified that I logged out and had a very disturbed nights sleep Eric. I was quite drunk tbh. In fact I must have been fucking ruined as I seem to have read the 4th and 5th words in the wrong order.
  18. Don’t you think he’s confused enough every time he hoists up his dress and wrestles the beast from his Y fronts at the urinal? If you’d asked him about his Velcro backed plasticised vagina that he bought on Ali Express, at least he’d know what you’re on about.
  19. Surely there’s a 2 mile long vaccination queue somewhere that you could be standing in, where you’d feel a bit less bored. 💉🤣
  20. Squirt her in the face with a water pistol full of Tabasco just as you’re about to come. Birds fucking love it (not the first few times obviously, but once they get used to it).
  21. Failed the interview unfortunately. Forgot to wear a turban and then totally fucked it up when the old cunt in what looked like a Salvation Army outfit asked if I’d like something to drink? Large vodka and Red Bull please wasn’t the right answer, I now realise.
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