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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. That would also explain Pens self documented problems with his failing mince pies.
  2. Let’s discuss it a bit more then, shall we? At the time of speaking now the video of the Pfizer bender running his mouth off, hoping to get a bumfuck shortly afterwards has gone viral (35m+) and Pfizer have stopped posting on all their social media accounts, blocked all comments and don’t seem to want to respond to numerous requests for a statement about the video. 💉👎
  3. Taking the fucking piss imo.
  4. Tbh DC, they’ve exceeded all my expectations but magnificent as they undoubtedly are I can foresee some major difficulties with her indoors soon. God bless her and I do sort of love her, but her railings which are perfectly straight and been meticulously looked after by her for the last 33 years are really starting to disgust me when I compare them to my beauties. She keeps asking me why I only want to fuck her doggy style nowadays and why I keep looking away when she speaks to me. Do you think I should suggest to her that maybe she should get a job and save up for a set of Budapest beauties before I start looking for someone else? I just don’t know. It’s a tough one.
  5. Frank will be having dinner and a good bumming by some drunken fat businessman at the moment. Bent over the rodent infested dumpster behind the filthy kebab shop opposite his bedsit (which he luckily inherited the council tenancy of due to Mitch’s sudden self inflicted demise when he just couldn’t live with the shame of being allegedly involved in Frank’s creation any longer. Im sure he’ll get back to you when his belly and his arsehole are full to the brim and I don’t doubt that his response will prove once and for all that he’s the best on here (not).
  6. Proceeding? MENSA?🤣 Sorry Luv but it’s blindingly obvious that you aren’t the big brained super genius that you’d like everyone to think you are. It pains me to say it but you don’t know your o’s from your e’s , never mind your Alans from your Andrews, so give it a rest, have a word with yourself in a dark room and hope that Panzy and Pen will still be there for you when (or if) you feel you’re ready for a comeback.😘
  7. I brush my gleaming, perfectly arranged and very expensive Hampsteads twice a day with a Phillips Sonicare (also very expensive) electric toothbrush. Followed by 30 seconds with my rechargeable water flosser, then a good swirl of Corsodyl mouthwash (very expensive compared to most mouthwashes). I can’t even imagine what type of scrubbing brush and which brand of industrial mould remover you attempt to brighten up your cracked and discoloured tombstones with? (If at all).
  8. It’s a sure sign that a story is important when Google overnight erase almost everything about the lead player, hoping that the millions of searches that come up with almost nothing except the odd (unrelated to Pfizer) mention of the cunt will sway the narrative in the direction they want ie He’s nobody, nothing to see here. This is the manipulative power that big tech has nowadays. They can and do decide what people are allowed to know. Even when the truth comes out they know they can make it disappear or if not that they can smear and discredit the source of the story. You just have to look at The Vulcan for proof of their ability to make people of average (or slightly below in her case) intelligence, think and act exactly how it’s been decided for them.
  9. You’re the one whose blind faith in the so called ‘factcheckers’ ensures that you are constantly mugged off. However I don’t believe for one minute that you’re quite stupid enough not to know that there’s something very very wrong with these experimental treatments. Imo it’s just your enormous ego that fuels your ‘Im right, you’re an idiot. Shut up’ narrative, and stops you admitting (even to yourself) that a hell of a lot of people are waking up to the reality that Covid 19 is and has been from the start a con trick played out on billions of people by a handful of powerful super rich tyrants, who think they have the right to decide the future of the world and all it’s population. Talking of ‘powerful super rich tyrants’ I commented a week or so ago on Billyboy Gates investing hundreds of millions of dollars in brand new start up company BioNTech in Sept 2019, and then ‘holy moley’ before you can say Epstein Island, right on cue Covid 19 comes along and Pfizer partner up with BioNTech to save the world with a basically untried and untested experimental treatment. Can you see why some people might think that Mr. Gates is up to his lizard neck in the scam? He sold most of his BioNTech stock just recently, needless to say earning himself a vast profit, but probably because he now realises that it’s quickly becoming not the best idea to be closely connected to Pfizer going forward, with the GOP in the majority in congress. Cue…. ‘You’re an idiot. I’m right. Shut up Billy.’ 🤣
  10. There’s only one member on here who knows the answer to that and he seems to be keeping out of this nom, unlike every other nom which he pokes his huge appendage into willy nilly. You know who you are.
  11. Only if Big Jock can get himself transferred to the wimmins nick where this freak has been sent to. Hopefully the birds in there will serve the cunt his severed cock on a plate for lunch with a broom handle rammed up his star for pudding.
  12. At least the rest of Stoke on Trent only had to be sorry about you. It could have been a lot worse for them if you’d had a family, which you didn’t. Fuck off.
  13. I see that the JCVI have just recommended that the under 50s are not offered mRNA vaccines from 12th Feb. I guess they don’t want to see the excess death rate go up any higher than it already is, as a few of the gutless and hitherto silent MPs have started to ask awkward questions which the tyrants (Whitty, Johnson, Hancock etc. really don’t want to ever answer. Oh I almost forgot. YouTube Project Veritas ’Pfizer Exposed…….’ “Come on now. just roll that sleeve up. You can trust us. We’re Pfizer.” What Id like to know is, Are you still OK being a Guinea Pig to ensure their record profits keep rising?
  14. Imagine Novax Djokovic serving at match point, facing the empty ginger husk of a once great but long past their glory days Boris Becker DC. It’s painful to watch but also a beautiful thing to see.
  15. I live in an underground bunker and hide my imaginary M4 in the thick undergrowth in the nearby park every night. The missus sleeps in the boot next to the space saver spare wheel and the wheel brace, in case it gets broken into. Ive also grown a thick beard and wear dark glasses to confuse the council cctv, so Im not too bothered about council tax increasing.
  16. The carrot crop is expected to break all records this year.
  17. Waste of time Eric. Burglary reports don’t get investigated nowadays.
  18. Because you were already about 150 years old then. You should be an exhibit in the Natural History Museum, except there’s nothing whatsoever natural about you and they don’t have an ‘unnatural history’ section for fossilised old freaks (yet).
  19. They are in London, Manchester and Birmingham already, but not quite in Trotters Bottom, Bishops Winkle or Coopers Helmet (yet).
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