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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Which would make you the last person on Earth qualified to comment on the matter, due to never ever having, or even been part of a family (Adams Family not included). Fuck off.
  2. I appear to have given you a like for this utterance. Just to avoid any misunderstanding I’d like to make it clear that this was totally unintentional. Please accept my genuine apology and assurance that it will never happen again.
  3. Don’t worry. Once that filthy antivaxxer, anti mask, Covid superspreader Novax Djokovic sobers up, stops laughing and heads back to Europe, everyone will start emerging from under their beds and Melbourne will return to what passes as normality nowadays under Dictator Dans benevolent regime.
  4. 1. President Trump did move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, making good on a promise which several previous Presidents had reneged on once in office. 2. President Trump initiated the withdrawal of US troops and equipment from Afghanistan, and it was proceeding according to an orderly timeline, during which time the Taliban had almost entirely ceased attacking not just US but all occupying forces. The unannounced and disastrous sudden retreat by the illegitimate Biden administration, leaving the numerous other countries forces with no other choice but to follow suit immediately, leaving 87billion dollars worth of military equipment behind and resulting in the immediate death or capture of hundreds of people, cannot no matter how severe your Trump Derangement Syndrome is be attributed to anyone except the fucking idiot Joe Biden. 3. One of the first significant things regarding the Middle East that President Trump did in office was to tear up the disgraceful ‘Iran Nuclear Agreement’ that Barack ‘Hussein’ Obama signed with the fanatical mad mullahs in Tehran, which included pallet loads of US taxpayer dollars heading off East in return for a promise that the camel riding kid fuckers would halt their nuclear weapons program. The cash was just about off the forklifts before they stopped laughing and carried on stirring the ‘heavy water’. 4. The infamous ‘pissing tape’ has been categorically debunked. Hardly surprising as it was part of the ‘Steele dossier’, which is now accepted as 100% fake and a construct of the Hillary Clinton campaign and corrupt top FBI officials, one of who’m Charles McGonagle has just been arrested and charged with receiving a quarter of a million dollars from surprise surprise ‘a Russian oligarch’ closely connected to Vlad himself. Nothing much ever changes Stubbers. The very things that the corrupt Clinton/Obama/Biden traitors have with the help of the fake news media falsely accused Trump of turn out to be exactly what they’ve been up to all along. 5. Orange is the new red white and blue. ‘Orange man good’. 🇱🇷 TRUMP 2024 🇱🇷 FUCK OFF.
  5. Interesting take on current world events Stubbers. Interesting only because every word of it is ridiculous nonsense.
  6. A slight variation of the Fosbury flop. I think it’s known as the Nosebury plop.
  7. Big Ian was much closer to God than most so that’s good enough for me (so it is).
  8. The more Ive looked into this the more obvious it’s become who is to blame for it all. Donald Trump without a doubt.
  9. Ape has been somewhat of a stranger recently DC. Some people might put that down to Drew giving him a right few kickings recently, so he’s maybe just licking his wounds at home touching up a few helicopter blades and downing a few large cans of Tesco own brand beanz. Personally speaking I think that’s ridiculous.
  10. I’ve no idea what you’re talking about either Stubbers. And I’m absolutely not just saying that because I’m under 24/7 surveillance by the Ginger Gestapo, who’s been carrying a noose in her handbag with my name on it for a long long time now. He’s probably innocently talking about some ancient comedy series featuring Rik Mayall, Ade Edmondson, Alexi Sayle and others which I’ve never seen or even heard about, if I had to take a wild guess.
  11. “I rest my case M’lud.”
  12. Seriously? You’re giving advice like this to someone who’s never even remotely considered anyone to be a friend. Do you wanna fight? lol.
  13. I’ve no idea what you mean but have a good night anyway.
  14. ‘Hello Father. I hear you’re in a grooming gang now’.
  15. And hope that some lazy cunt at Wikipedia doesn't just type your name in as the last man to fire one up his arse before he died suddenly.
  16. ‘Ah come on now Abdul. That would be an ecumenical matter.’
  17. Queers have always loved a rearbashing big fucking and a load of come on their back. Basic poofery 101 Eric.
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