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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Probably, but I’ve given all that up, now that I’ve learned that ‘bollocks’ (like gender) are nothing more than a social construct and part of the historical male/white/heterosexual/ Judaeo Christian hierarchy, which has brutally oppressed the helpless freaks, layabouts, degenerate perverts , mentally deficients and just about every other type of loser on Earth, until very recently when the internet age has exposed their nefarious activities for all to see.
  2. “Dunno” is the correct answer to all the questions (apart from the last 2 which is “no”) but I’m sure you knew this before you even asked them. At least that’s how I would have answered them.
  3. Should have splashed out a bit extra and gone to Greggs instead Raas. You get what you pay for mate. Fanny Craddock was a cunt.
  4. This incident has completely changed my long held belief that ‘Holy Water’ was just another nonsense dreamed up by the elderly male cross dressers in The Vatican. But a 60% success rate in this case looks very promising indeed and hopefully the next time a much stronger dose will rectify the situation.
  5. Absolute tragedy (for the owner of the hotel they were booked into for the next five years), but a temporary reprieve for 120 local teenage schoolgirls virginity.
  6. Blackberries Lives Matter.
  7. Whatever you threw up on the way home on Thursday night?
  8. Obviously using France as a practice run to make sure the bombs work properly.
  9. King Billy


    Take him to Fuengirola and bugger the arse out of him one last time Frank, without the constant worry of losing your Action Man sized erection in case the filth come crashing through the door and throwing a bucket of cold water over you both before beating the absolute shit out of you, then arresting you. Fuck off.
  10. King Billy


    Martians are purple Eric and that’s a fact because Jonny Vegas said so in Sex lives of The Potato Men.
  11. Total control of food, energy and money = TOTAL CONTROL of the entire population. Fortunately for our globalist masters who are rationing all 3 of these basic human necessities, it’s only us ‘loony tunes’ conspiracy theorists who’ve worked this out, and must be stopped from spreading such dangerous ideas to the clapping seals.
  12. King Billy


    I’m starting to think she might actually be dead Gyps, and maybe I owe Bill Gates a massive apology (and thank you).
  13. King Billy


    Well cooked. You’ll know it’s ready when the flames go out in your Y fronts. Fucking freak.
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