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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Thank fuck the MSM are totally on the ball and quickly cleared up any ridiculous ideas about this conversation which was definitely just SuperMatt and his loyal sidekick having a joke about their good mate Billyboy Gates, who’s definitely not a creepy megalomaniacal nonce, just a regular multi billionaire guy next door computer salesman/expert in everything under the sun, doing his best to make the future world a better place for the lucky, sorry carefully chosen few. If he wasn’t such an absolute saviour I’d definitely want the cunt dead.
  2. Stop thinking and just fuck off instead.
  3. I bet Matt Hancock would if he was still Health Secretary and he’d run out of utterly ridiculous new Covid rules to make up.
  4. Samsung are good value for money, unless you get mugged on your way to purchase one, in which case it doesn’t really matter.
  5. The six bitches of Henry the eight ball.
  6. Your old man must have thought he’d nicked a faulty one.
  7. It’s about time the real story of the sinking of The Bismarck was told Eric, and the heroism of the four dungaree clad rug munchers set sail from the neutral Rainbow Flagged ‘gender reassignment’ hospital ship SS Pride, clutching explosive filled turkey basters, silently approached the international homophobe Adolfs flagship, deep underwater astride penis shaped one man, sorry one non gender specific person mini subs and delivered the mother load, sorry birthing parent load dispatching the entire crew of despicable straight white men to their entirely deserved early bath.
  8. Thanks for the geography lesson Doc. As for all the other things you mentioned which have been taking up a lot of my time recently, my work is done on them, now that everything Ive pointed out (the so called conspiracy theories) to our less knowledgeable members (The Vulcan) have been confirmed as fact. Fear not though. I’ll continue to keep you up to date going forward, with the other side of the stories in these difficult to work out subjects. No need to thank me.
  9. How’s it going down in Alice Springs Doc? I’ve been trying to book an Air b n B there for Easter week but tbh if I wanted to stay in a burned out rat infested hovel in a lawless crime ridden black ghetto I’d save a load of dough on the flight costs and head over the river to South London. G’day mate.
  10. King Billy


    You’ve spelled faeces wrong Eric.
  11. King Billy


    Compared to Ian Huntley in the bunk below you, who’s had your rancid piss dripping all over him every night?
  12. Fucking hell. Now I’ll have to start searching for that tinfoil hat of mine.
  13. The greasy cunt’s 100% pwedictable tbf.
  14. Two cows in a field and one says to the other…. ‘What do you reckon about this Mad Cow disease?’ ‘Fucking no idea mate. I’m a mushroom.’
  15. I believe they’re both still in good health, despite growing an extra head each and several extra limbs, and have made a lot of money as the star exhibits in a Bill Gates owned travelling freak show, alongside a 300 year old ‘bearded lady’ with a ridiculously huge cock (Pen), a ‘human poop scoop’ (guess who?) and several other assorted weirdos including Greta Thunberg, Matt Hancock and Sir Chris Whitty.
  16. The unit of currency in Colombia and Albania.
  17. During the height of the batflu insanity I used to see all these fit looking Doris’s going about their business masked up, and the only thing I could think of in mitigation of their obvious stupidity was ‘I’d like to fuck that with just her mask on’.
  18. I’m sure she’ll be OK. She’s got the bingo wings to take another 41 boosters at least. But seriously though I hope she’s dead.
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