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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Evolution is always a ‘work in progress’ and sometimes takes a backward step or two.
  2. Which toilets would you use if you were allowed in?
  3. Stubbers has a man bun nowadays.
  4. It’s a shame the hideous freak retired from the railways before Thompson and Venables got the chance to drag him down the tracks, pour a 25 litre tin of Dulux over his gigantic abomination, smash his stubbled chin to pieces with breeze blocks and laugh when the 11 05 from Euston to Lime St. carved him up into about ten pieces.
  5. Thankfully Pfizer have factories all over the world churning out little blue pills which everyone can take to remedy this awful condition. Thank fuck for Pfizer . They’re always there for us.
  6. I’ll let the gimp know when she’s finished her Pedigree Chum.
  7. Careful DC. I can hear the gimp banging to be let out of her box.
  8. King Billy


    It’s not an office Frank. It’s a public lavatory, and giving some drunken Irish labourer a gobble to drill a glory hole and fit a lube dispenser on the wall is unlikely to catch the attention of ‘Grand Designs’ Kevin McCloud either. Turn it in Frank for fucks sake. You must realise that you’re never going to change what must be obvious now even to you, that you’re an absolute fucking disgrace and a huge let down to everyone here, including yourself if you’re honest, you skinny jeans bender muppet.
  9. He’s got fenian written all over him but tbf I’ve been wrong about things occasionally in the past so maybe just have his toes off with the boltcutters for now.
  10. If you’d added your name to the list I’d have given this a like so just fuck off in-lieu.
  11. Frank’s never faced a carrot in his life, probably because he’s only ever encountered one when it was thrust up his welcoming lubed up arsehole.
  12. Poof. Climate change is all bollocks. Up your game.
  13. How did that old saying go?….. ‘Small boat…massive cock.’ Fuck off.
  14. As far as I can recall I was driving south near Munich in my imaginary M3 which I don’t know if I’ve mentioned Ive since traded in for my current imaginary M4. Tbh I remember seeing the signs on the autobahn and then the Beemer sort of knew the way there and took over. I guess it must have known it was close to its birthplace, like an eel swimming furiously towards the Sargasso Sea or a drunken Jock attempting for the fifteenth time to scale Hadrians wall (all 4ft of it) and make it home in time for supper. It’s all bollocks anyway.
  15. The backtracking is in full flow now that the deception isn’t working on the public as well as it has been for the last 3 years. The likes of Piers Morgan feigning outrage is truly astounding, claiming that if only he’d known the truth….blah blah blah, and even more unbelievably Jeremy Cunt…..blah blah blah, stating (with a straight face) that we could have taken the ‘no lockdowns, no masks’ Swedish response to Covid and avoided all the tyrannical measures which have resulted in the collapse of our economy, hundreds of thousands of small businesses, our health service, our children’s future life chances, and most importantly of all the total and absolute destruction of millions of peoples hard earned trust in science, the medical profession, politicians of every party and lastly but probably most importantly the mainstream media fake news traitors who willingly took the five pieces of silver offered, got down on their knees mouths wide open, and publicly fellated Hancock, Whitty, Gates etc. while wagging an accusing finger at their viewers between gulps of lizard spunk should never be forgotten or forgiven imo. As long as there are enough lamp posts and enough rope to satisfy the demand which is coming then the next bunch of power happy cunts may think twice about going down the same path.
  16. I visited Auschwitz a few years ago when I spotted the signs on the Autobahn while driving down through Germany on my way to the Outlook Festival in Croatia. I didn’t stay long though as I’ve never seen such a miserable looking bunch of cunts in my life anywhere. Not just the staff but the holidaymakers too. The final straw for me was some fat poker faced Shekraut shouting ‘nein!’ at me when I sat down beside a huge pile of shoes and started trying some of them on. I think I’ll give it a miss next time I’m passing that way.
  17. It’s probably somewhere under that pile of unopened MENSA magazines by the front door.
  18. She’s doing a bit of Cold Turkey now that the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ wonderjabs have been restricted to the over 75s and a small group of nearly dead already cunts. I can only hope she will soon qualify on at least one count soon. This post was brought to you by Pfizer®️
  19. Get back in your box Gimp and don’t ever get out of it again unless I summon you. And if and when I do, make sure not to keep me waiting or you’ll be sorry.
  20. Make the most of it while you can Panzy and make sure to put something away for a rainy day. Just bear in mind that there’ll be some cunt along soon who can fire ping pong balls out of his arse further than you and your bookings will plummet faster than Bobby Sands body mass index. Fuck off.
  21. Rebaz Mohammed 28 an Iraqi ‘asylum seeker’ lol who arrived in the U.K. on a dinghy repeatedly stabbed an 18 year old stranger Ellis Wheeler in the back in Southampton last year, leaving the victim fighting for his life. He told the court that he had committed this act after he had become disillusioned with living in a taxpayer funded hotel and had requested unsuccessfully several times that the Home Office allow him to return home to Iraq. He had been informed by the Home office that he could only be deported if he had committed a serious violent offence, advice which he duly obliged. He was sentenced last week to six years for almost killing an innocent British teenager, meaning that the filthy uninvited subhuman cunt will be back out on the streets in 3 years, by which time he’ll probably have changed his mind and decided to check into the local Hilton and give us another chance to show him that we’re not all horrible racists like Gary Lineker keeps insisting we are.
  22. Relocating to Australia seems a rather strange decision then.
  23. Fair enough Eric. I can’t get everything right tbf.
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