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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I’m all choked up Stubbs. That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me. 👍
  2. If this is true Eric then it’s really time to leave the Earth.
  3. And the only punter who could possibly tackle the job is coolered. FREE PUNKAPE!
  4. Beak Street
  5. Get rich or die flyin
  6. Fair enough. It happens to everyone eventually. Even Pen isn’t the man he used to be.
  7. Straight outta Rampton.
  8. You’ve changed Stubbers since you’ve had that man bun. What’s gone wrong?
  9. I’ll get back to you Stubbers as soon as I’m finished getting fucked.
  10. Fuck him and his fucking avatar, If you’re free next weekend Stubbers PM me and you can come round mine. My imaginary M4 is fucking filthy and I’ll give myself a hand job watching you put your back into washing and waxing it.
  11. The 2 page article in the Daily Express this week, calling for the government to compensate the hundreds of thousands of British people who’ve suffered adversely from the mRNA vaccination experiment should be a wake up call to the millions of duped sheep who still believe that the government, the MSM, and the ‘scientific community’ acted in good faith, with the best interests of the public at heart, while little or nothing was known about the ‘deadly pandemic’. The Daily Express like every other MSM propaganda rag and broadcast channel accepted enormous sums of money from our government to initially terrify the public about the dangers of Covid 19, then ignore anyone (no matter how qualified they were to do so) who questioned their lies, and finally coerce their readers into taking an experimental, untested product which they claimed was ‘totally safe and totally effective’ (claims which have both now been found to be false). Almost everything from day one about the Covid 19 ‘plandemic’ which I’ve called out and big brain cunts like The Vulcan ridiculed are being exposed as factual, and the U turns which the MSM are now attempting to perform as if they were in the right side of the narrative all along simply reinforce the blindingly obvious truth that these cunts have no shame, no moral compass and deserve what’s coming to them when enough people eventually wake up to the truth and string every last one of the cunts up from the nearest lamp post.
  12. Good point actually, with one exception (Ape) who seems to have thought it would be a good idea to use his passport photo.
  13. West Yorkshire Police would no doubt take your details, add you to their enormous database of ‘South East Asian people of no interest’, warn you not to waste Police time again, and get on with their more urgent hunt for the real threat to society, which anyone with an ounce of sense knows is the racist, white, Anglo Saxon, working class Englishman.or woman.
  14. I wouldn’t rape her, even if I was a Paki.
  15. The same sort of cunts that write them, so basically hardly anyone who deserves to live.
  16. The existence of so called ‘conspiracy theorists’ is now widely accepted to be a ‘conspiracy theory’.
  17. ‘Can I have a packet of King Soloman size Rizla please? I’ve just Herod that Amon the night shift all week so I’m gonna roll up a big Jehosaphat one to bring into work. Oh and a packet of Jacobs cream crackers thanks.’
  18. YouTube channel Peak Prosperity Video title….Midazolam Murders……… This cunt Hancock (and many others) need to be held to account for their actions and then swing on the gallows. What do you reckon?
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