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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Africans aren’t thick. They just have smaller brains than humans.
  2. That would be a biological matter.
  3. That would make him the lowest paid rent boy ever. He’ll be getting more than that to spend in the tuck shop when he’s not being bummed by Levi Bellfield on D Wing.
  4. Tommy the guesser was never right.
  5. Unlike previously I can’t donate with my debit card as I can’t (actually won’t) verify the transaction for PayPal unless I download my banks app etc. etc. etc.. Rest assured that I will have someone contribute by proxy for me ASAP. As the saying goes ‘If something’s free then you’re the product’ and I for one value the freedom to rant and rave to a few like minded cunts anonymously in a time of ever decreasing free speech.
  6. Billy is a very common name Eric. Just saying.
  7. And Panzy has torn you a new arsehole you fucking thick freak.
  8. Much as it pains me Panzy I’ve given you a like for this before reading any of the reply’s. I remember hearing somewhere that the number of wheels on an average wheelbarrow is consistently between zero and two.
  9. ‘That would be a mathematical matter’.
  10. If you dare to state that our ‘sovereign’ U.K.border should be protected from a never ending illegal mass invasion by fighting age foreign males, you’re a Nazi. But the sovereign borders of the most corrupt and actually the most previously regarded last remaining ‘Nazi’ country in Europe ie Ukraine must be defended at all costs. Turn your heating down, dim the lights and forget the good old days when you could afford to drive to the Covid testing centre and maybe grab this weeks booster jab. Get your mask and woolly jumper on right now and get back under the bed until your smartphone tells you it’s safe to come out for an hour every day. 🐑💉🇺🇦🤣
  11. Leave a huge steaming turd in the fridge next time you’re working there. That should give them something to think about before you start discussing a pay rise.
  12. I’ve just spoken to Elon Musk. Kept breaking up and he sounded a bit drunk too but I think he’s promised to make a huge donation as soon as he gets back from his villa on Mars next week .
  13. The eradication of the nation state, being gradually replaced by global entity’s such as the EU, the WTO and the UN etc. which are far less accountable and much more difficult for the dumb cunts who think they live in some sort of democracy to remove, is the path that the Western world is being led down. The sad thing really is that it’s the stupidity, laziness and most of all outright cowardice of the majority that is allowing this to happen with their misplaced belief that they’re on the right side of history. Fucking stupid fucking cunts.
  14. King Billy

    Vodafone wifi

    You’re still a fucking retarded spaz is the word on the street.
  15. How much do you usually charge your regular sperm donors?
  16. I’ve just tried four or five times to donate without success. I’ll try again tomorrow when I’m sober.
  17. Pull your tongue out of those (African) natives bumholes and have a good look at what The Shinners, Fine Gael, Fine Faile and the Greens have done to your beloved Dublin Panz. Tbf they’ve managed to turn a stinking, backward, third world shithole full of thick, drunken gombeens into Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Bangladesh and Pakistan’s No.1 travel destination. Look forward to Paddy’s Day being renamed Mohammed’s Day, free pints of green goats milk for everyone, synchronised beheadings, stonings, floggings, mass child raping and a spectacular grand finale by the national suicide bombing squad to end with. Maybe you should have kept your gobs shut once you’d finished sucking our red white and blue cocks and swallowed another mouthful of good old British sticky protein a hundred years ago and been a bit more careful what you wished for. Fuck off.
  18. It’s only fair that they are compensated for the never ending trauma which the Californian slave trade caused to their ancestors and every generation which followed until the present day. It’s probably nowhere near enough, but at least these poor oppressed victimised wretches can take some slight consolation from the fact that there were never ever ever ever any actual slaves in the State of California ever ever ever ever.
  19. I watched a short video of the Paddys Day parade in Dublin earlier Panzy. The Guards appeared to have everything under control (not surprisingly as there were hundreds of them in full riot gear) keeping a small group of tricolour waving IRISHMEN and IRISHWOMEN away from joining the new type of Irishmen and women who were proudly marching along the bank of the Liffey waving their EU, Rainbow and Ukranian flags to celebrate St. Patrick’s day. I for one am delighted that it’s all worked out so well for you at long last Panzy. It’s no more than you deserve after all the years of struggle. 🤣
  20. Weird how one slag who didn’t actually get raped by hundreds of unwashed savages is a headline worthy story but the thousands, yes thousands of school age white girls who did and still are being raped by these cunts slips through the radar constantly. I expect Gary Lineker will address this inconsistency once he’s dealt with the small boats issue.
  21. Do they even know it’s Christmas?
  22. This might at first glance seem like a sensible idea, but are there any plans for looking after them next year when they’ve blown the $5m on a crack and hoes binge, borrowed 20 years upfront on the $97k and defaulted on the $1 mortgage payments?
  23. They’re all underground scratching around for cobalt to make car batteries at the moment, but I’ll grab a few when they come up for air or a drink of muddy water tomorrow. Lazy little fly guzzling bastards.
  24. Apologies Eric (before my time). I wasn’t casting any aspersions on your integrity at all and tbh I forgot for a split second that Ratty may not be quite right upstairs. And I say that as a huge badge of honour to him.
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