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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Panzyboy. I’ve just been given an extensive folder of information about your good self (photos, Home Office, DWP and sex offenders register records) and it would appear that you’re currently living as a trans woman in Brixton and awaiting deportation back to Nigeria to face several charges of attempted fraud and even more of rampant homosexuality, which I advise you to plead guilty to as you will be guaranteed the death sentence. I’ve always suspected (from reading your posts which are obviously the work of an imbecile) that you’re far further back down the evolutionary scale than the spud munching throwbacks that inhabit the desolate lower regions of Ireland.
  2. Your stories make even Michael Portillo seem interesting, so why not just fuck off you brain numbing cunt?
  3. A good long run up, then a mighty steel toe cap boot to her head would make me far more likely to mess the front of my pants than any sexual activity with this plastic faced, busted arsed pop fossil.
  4. 5 of the 6 most recent so called ‘mass shootings’ in the US have been carried out by members of the ‘oppressed’ LGBTQ+ community. This must be the new face of the ‘far right’ bogeyman, sorry bogeyperson that the fake news MSM have been shouting about for decades now.
  5. No. I’m saying the tranny ticket collector freak has an enormous cock. Marty Feldmans mince pies would look like a couple of fresh frogspawn if they were captured in the same photo.
  6. They’d probably be very hard to spot underneath your enormous organ.
  7. Ape it’s taken her a couple of months to come up with this nom, which at best makes most of Pens efforts look quite interesting. I genuinely feel sorry for her because at one time she briefly appeared to have a slight trace of potential. On a positive note though, All Franks comebacks have got something solid to stand on now.
  8. Eric I can only apologise for the gimps latest outburst. Tbh I hadn’t even noticed that she’d escaped from her box again. I’ve now realised that it was a huge error on my part when I rescued her from the Astra Zeneca centre for crippled Covid 19 vaccine addicts. Against my better instincts and common sense I let my compassionate heart overrule my head and thought a couple of months in the box at home was at least worth a try, as she was on the list for being put down later that day. As soon as I’ve recaptured her I’ll be rectifying that error of judgment.
  9. She wouldn’t have a job for long if she demanded payment in the unlikely scenario that my good pal DC popped in to the ‘rub and tug’ to say hello to me, and after a chat realised he’d got twenty minutes to kill before the rush hour traffic died down, so accepted my offer of a bit of fellatio (on the house) from any young lady that tickled his fancy. In fact I’d probably order her to give his arse a good rimming too, so she’d think twice before getting on her high horse in future.
  10. Did yours ever tell you what she thought when she first clapped eyes on you? I reckon she may have been too overwhelmed to take it all in, but much more likely filled with regret that she’d stupidly taken it all in 9 months previously.
  11. Don’t set the bar too high with stupid ambitions like this, otherwise you’ll be doomed to eternally remain the vile and hideous freakshow that we all know you are now, and have been since at least the early Jacobean period. Why not just fuck off somewhere nice and quiet and kill yourself instead?
  12. How are your after school sessions going with the punctuation tutor? Have your foster parents thought about asking for a refund yet?
  13. Keep your hands in your pockets DC and you’ll be fine.
  14. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Any other profound thoughts on the matter, as you’re patently an expert on the subject?
  15. Out of likes SC. What do you think of Premier Dan’s feigned outrage at one of the MSM (who obviously missed out when he was buying them all off) daring to ask what he discussed with Winnie the Pooh on his recent trip to China?
  16. Of course, and I’d make sure she hated the whole experience more than me.
  17. I expect Phil will be using his well practiced expertise at queue jumping for the showers if Mr Big is in there getting himself stiff and ready for a bit of ‘celebrity bum fun’.
  18. The often stated and invariably true saying ‘History will always repeat itself’ is right now being proved to be as accurate as it ever was. The political farce of the 45th President of the USA and favourite to become the 47th next year again, being indicted on manufactured criminal charges in New York by the George Soros funded radical DA Alvin Bragg, with the sole intention of preventing him from being elected again is the final nail in the coffin of the myth that democracy actually exists anywhere in the so called ‘Western World’ any more. Politicising and corrupting the justice system in order to criminalise political opponents are the tactics of tyrants and dictators who’ve ruled over ‘banana republics’ and third world tin pot countries historically. The line that has now been crossed in the US by the Democrats cannot be rolled back. Not now, not ever. The unprecedented actions which they have foolishly embarked upon will be recorded in history as possibly the greatest political mistake ever and the consequences of their stupidity will be felt for a very very long time. Pandoras box has been opened and from tomorrow it’s now ‘open season’ for any and every State Prosecutor’ whether GOP or Democrat to go after every political opponent and attempt to lock them up. Expect Hillary Clinton, Obama, George W Bush, the entire Biden family, John Kerry, Dick and Liz Cheney, Jimmy Carter, Nancy Pelosi and hundreds, if not thousands of past political figures to soon be the subject of malicious criminal investigations by partisan prosecutors on both sides of the political divide. This is truly the end of the United States of America and all because of the Democrats and status quo RINOs unhinged derangement at Donald Trump having the backbone to stand up against their cozy self enriching deep state criminal gang in Washington DC, the open sewer of the Western world for the last hundred years. 🇱🇷 TRUMP 2024 🇱🇷 MAGA🇱🇷
  19. So where are Punkape and Jewdy now that the cooler’s been emptied?
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