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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. It’s only the puberty blockers that keep him alive.
  2. That explains Pens familiarity with him.
  3. Lots of everyday essentials are in short supply recently, not just eggs. Oh yes here’s one that springs to mind. Astra Zeneca… the best experimental ‘unsafe and ineffective’ so called vaccine in the world (if you can still find it anywhere). Probably. 🤣💉👋
  4. Make sure to wear a mask Ape and stay 2 metres distance, incase he’s not up to date with his Covid 19 booster jabs. I’m sure neither of you would want this foolishness to indirectly hasten poor Grannies demise.
  5. Fuck me you’re really going for it. Already ripped up the script for deranged spackers on here by cunting off the only fucker guaranteed to plate your arse and throw likes at you, purely because he’s desperate for some cunt to be more despised than him (which is about as likely as The Vulcan admitting she’s been wrong about everything and unconditionally apologising). It’s an interesting plan and let’s see how it pans out for you.
  6. The good old ‘pre colostomy bag’ days. I hope you’ve been saving all that money you used to spend on bog rolls and adult Pampers because it’s all downhill now for you.
  7. Crucify yourself and spare us all the resurrection. Stay dead you cunt.
  8. His sex life, ridiculous as it might sound is far more likely to hit him slap bang between the cheeks of his pimpled arse tbh.
  9. Who knows DC? Apparently the binmen took away the discarded packaging from a top of the range industrial 3D printer outside her cave just after Christmas. The mind boggles as to what she has inside.
  10. He probably knows what he’s rattling on about Ape as he’s been lurking around in the ladies toilets for years, which isn’t something most of the ladies expected probably.
  11. Would this therapy help me to interpret (or at least ignore) basic spelling errors in posts which I don’t doubt are sent with good intentions?
  12. He’ll have at lrast six years to get some more before he needs them anyway.
  13. The real sadist replies ‘Sorry I’m a bit deaf. Could you say that again a few more times?’
  14. Ive missed you baby. You’ve been away so long and I have a confession to make to you. I thought you were dead and I think I almost cried (but I’m not certain) remembering the times you told me about all the Covid shots and boosters you’d been so brave and proud to volunteer as a Guinea Pig for. You were my hero. But I have to confess that I’ve being seeing someone else, and I won’t lie to you and deny that your successor has taken advantage of my grief and talked me into what I’ve since learned is referred to as anal sex. Anyway Babe, don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault, it’s mine. Toodlepip Hun.
  15. I like Eddie and would feel I’d betrayed him if I gave in and served her a large portion of what she craves Fends. The fact that she’s a top shelf boogaloo nut job occasionally makes me think ‘Forget Eddie, it might be fun for one of us (probably not Eddie or me though).
  16. Because she’s been far too busy pleasuring herself with an xxxxl ‘Deluxe King Billy®️‘ multi speed rechargeable vibrator for months now. But it was inevitable she’d rear her ugly head eventually for another fix of the real thing. ’King Billy. Accept no substitute’.
  17. You’re a fucking moron, but it’s your lucky day as CNN are currently hiring.
  18. Is Norfolk a real place? I’ve always assumed it was one of those made up locations like Newcastle or Scotland.
  19. Being Home Alone is actually the one topic that you’re more qualified to comment on than any other punter here, you childless, friendless, no living relatives cunt. Fill your size 18 boots.
  20. You’re skating on thin ice here Ape.
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