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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Wiltshire Constabulary have still got that on file as a ‘totally justified racist attack’.
  2. ‘Spaghetti legs western’
  3. ‘The man with no friends’
  4. ‘A fistful of cock’.
  5. 🎶Tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 1922🎶 lol lol lol.
  6. So is evolution. Don’t be afraid to have a go.
  7. Will you be playing ‘Fairytale of New York’ at your gig tonight Shane?
  8. And still waiting for that first ever victory. Well done! 🤣
  9. And then made sure that the real heroes who came back after the war were treated like traitors till they died. Without a shadow of doubt the most cowardly and duplicitous excuse for a country on Earth.
  10. Chinese? Ukranian? Iranian? It depends on where Hunter’s next bank transfer is scheduled to arrive from.
  11. You’re right Eric. I’ll get my overalls.
  12. I bet Leo your dusky bender boy will have the rest of the G7 leaders laughing their hold up stockings off when he cracks that one at the next summit. Oh hang on a minute….He won’t be there because there’s about 100 odd countries in the queue before you? I suppose he could swallow a load more Krautcum and have your Teutonic masters mention it.
  13. A couple more coats and we should be finished.
  14. Any tips for this years Eurovision Frank?
  15. The usual term for this in the business is ‘Interviewed’ Eddie, but arguing the point would just be splitting hairs (ginger or otherwise).
  16. I know what you mean. Hypermodernismy middle name.
  17. He’s had to postpone this weeks ‘date night’ due to severe frostbite on his maggot.
  18. Bring a big ladder and wear rubber gloves Fends if you’re going to his gaff. The fence at Rampton is about 20ft high and hard wired to the national grid. And make sure only to bring the rubber handled hammers. I’m sure you’ve got it all covered anyway.
  19. Water you on about? Oil colour PM you later. I’m with a palat the moment.
  20. Turner it in Gypps, you Prize plum,
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