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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I can’t get that image out of my head now Snowy, thinking what I should have done. It reminds me of the time I bought 1000 bottles of Tippex. The truth is I made a huge mistake.
  2. It’s dna backwards Ape, so it’s probably quite appropriate for him.
  3. I bet he much preferred spending time with it than being anywhere fucking near you.
  4. It definitely is Eric. I had a good look at his boat race before the tattooist done the mask. I’d already thought the cunt might try that.
  5. It fucking hurt a lot so I didn’t have time to think much. I’m now thinking what to have done next?
  6. His last words before they hanged him. I’ll PM you a photo.
  7. ‘Say hello to my little friend’ (Timothy Schofield 2019)
  8. Panzy I had another tat done yesterday. Ned Kelly on my right shoulder blade, with ‘SUCH IS LIFE’ underneath. What if anything, do you have to say about that? I can provide photo if you like.
  9. Bullshit, never happened. Fuck off.
  10. Frank is in jail for scattering Mitch’s ashes on table 1 at the Crucible yesterday.
  11. Have you considered wearing your Yfronts on your head and a baseball cap on your nuts?
  12. Fucking hell Stubbers. This is Cunts Corner. Just invent an imaginary wild mop of hair and I’ll believe it 100%. In fact I’ll swear on the Koran that I bumped into you recently and mistakenly thought at first that you were Bruce Forsyth.
  13. Pen knows that Eric. 80kv is just about enough to jump start his limp dangling monster on cold winter mornings.
  14. That agreement became null and void the moment Stubbers ditched his ponytail and went full man bun.
  15. You stupid Nike sports bra wearing, Bud lite drinking, hybrid freak. Your opinion is about as welcome as Eddie Izzard in the female toilets.
  16. None of my ex wives ever said anything along those lines to me and I’ve turned out OK.
  17. I bet Rsoles is a frequent forager in the dumpsters at the rear of the premises.
  18. 🎶I shot my load up the Sheriff🎶
  19. The only way I can explain that to you Panz is, when my bird asks me ‘why do you always want to fuck me in the arse?’ ’Because I know you fucking hate it’.
  20. To quote the great philosopher Donald J Trump…… “Everything woke turns to shit”.
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