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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. There was a news story the other day about Andre the Giant causing almost every other passenger on a plane to either ‘gag, throw up or break down and cry’ when he took a dump during a flight. He was apparently the only person on the plane who wasn’t bothered by the incident.
  2. How’s the weather been today in Widnes?
  3. Don’t forget who gave you the start on the road to riches DC. I’ll find you if you do. I’ve got contacts stretching from Halewood all the way to Speke.
  4. No-one in Merseyside will read about it if it’s in The Sun, unless they find a copy in a car belonging to someone from London that they’ve just stolen.
  5. Between you and me MH, putting his own life at risk one of my reliable sources sent me an encrypted tip off this afternoon from somewhere in the Liverpool area (Lime St. station). It appears that undercover homosexuals have infiltrated the contest and Graham Norton himself may have been compromised in some sort of anal honey trap.
  6. Whoever he asked to read your post out for him was clearly just as thick as Panzyboy himself, and thought ‘I’ll have a go at it as he’s promised to give me a wank afterwards’.
  7. Eric probably, unless Neil picked her up in the Rascal and gave her a lift home (not all the way home obviously) first.
  8. That’s a bit strong Ed. Invertebrate tossers maybe.
  9. Well you didn’t so don’t bother saying anything ever again.
  10. Very selective targeting, but not in any way unexpected from someone as historically consistent as you. Consistently fucking abysmal and needy attention seeker.
  11. Not listening to a single word she ever said is probably the one thing that saved me from permanent ear damage or far worse. I sometimes think how much worse the consequences could have been for me if Covid had actually been a real thing and the experimental mRNA treatments weren’t just a big pharma and crooked politicians cash cow which have the added bonus of injuring and killing the very people who’d be the first to complain if they weren’t dead or in the queue to soon be. Dr Fauci is a cunt.
  12. No but I know someone who gave JR Hartley a wank.
  13. My imaginary Hyabusa won’t start. Have you any tips?
  14. ‘Good morning Mr Khan. My wife has been suffering from terrible morning sickness. What do you suggest?’ ’Tell the fat cunt to stay in bed till lunchtime and not to worry worry about the housework till later, as you’re going to the pub to meet another bird and won’t be back till she stops fucking whinging and phones you to apologise’.
  15. Fair enough. You obviously knew some top guys in the video game community.
  16. You could always ask them to stop after the first five or six times if you weren’t loving it.
  17. Changing the subject slightly, does your pal still have the Escort Cosworth?
  18. I was with you there, right up until you said ‘unwilling’.
  19. That’s why the MSM only ever report doctors, scientists, engineers, teachers and kiddie fiddlers, sorry I meant to say Islamic child care professionals arriving on ‘small boats’ (dinghy’s) in their thousands to culturally enrich our white supremacist, colonial, racist, hell hole of a country. Pharmacists never get a mention, the dirty bastards.
  20. The ointment was for her actually so I don’t think she’ll involve herself in this one .
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