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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Did her dentures fall out of the dinghy into the Channel?
  2. That was decades before Eric and Ernie though, long before the television era.
  3. I’m sure it was me who mentioned TOC last week DC. Don’t give the has been, wannabe cunt any ammunition to fuel his futile dreams of a spectacular comeback.
  4. You needed a computer to come up with this advice for the freak?
  5. Nicole could catch a long list of STDs and a family of crabs without chopsticks. Slag.
  6. Probably nothing but The Independant are reporting that deaths from blood clots in the U.K. are up 20 odd percent from the pre Covid average numbers. And the NHS which stopped regularly publishing the statistics during the ‘pandemic’ around the same time as the Astra Zennica experiment was being linked to a rise in blood clots (and then mysteriously disappeared without explanation from the list of available ‘safe and effective’ jibby jabbies), are still very reluctant to publish any regular data on this subject, even after repeated requests from ‘Thrombosis U.K.’ I guess it’s just a similar non story like the 20% + increase in excess deaths across the world which has been thoroughly debunked when any questions have been asked. ‘Shut up and stop asking questions’ is the ‘scientific and political consensus’ which seems to have put that one to bed. And thank fuck too. I mean what is going on nowadays when lunatics like Andrew Bridgen MP can stand up in the House of Commons and politely ask for an urgent parliamentary debate on the excess deaths in his and every other constituency across the country? Thank God for Penny Mordaunt (WEF Cocksucker General) who co authored a book with Klauss Schwab 🙏 and also possesses a fine pair of tits, putting this dangerous scaremonger with no expertise on this subject (apart from a degree in biochemistry lol) in his place and ridiculing his preposterous request. It’s almost as if the lizard people are afraid of something, but that would be silly wouldn’t it?
  7. They’re a lot less trouble the dead ones. Old school.
  8. “In the deepest Amazon rainforest by an undiscovered tribe of pygmy cannibal headhunters”. (Ron Burgundy 2005).
  9. I’m 24 next week RK and I can’t believe Ive got an imaginary M4, a thriving Christmas tree empire, a gorgeous, sex mad younger bird, numerous hugely successful previous businesses which I built single-handedly and sold on for vast sums of money, and it’s still not enough as I wake up drenched in sweat, screaming ‘Mrs Roops’ most nights. Any advice?
  10. Usually about 3 months after meeting Frank.
  11. I bet you’ve chucked him out of a few clubs Eric?, after confiscating his stash and giving him a good kicking obviously.
  12. At least the casting director had the sense to cast Bill Maynard as Askwiths dad to ensure no one watching would stay erect for very long. A dead nun would have done the same job but been a lot more difficult for the scriptwriters to include.
  13. Great to see Sweden winning this year, and fully deserved too. All the tinfoil hatters who ludicrously claimed that the Ukraine victory last year was a rigged vote must be feeling a bit daft now, but I suppose they’ll be pushing some crazy theory about Sweden hosting it next year on the 50th anniversary of ABBAs triumph. Thank fuck Eurovision had the good sense to use Dominion Voting machines which no poof in their right mind would question. Some people eh?
  14. Colon Montbummery and Hairy Hardon.
  15. Prepare your arsehole.
  16. And old ladies with a half finished tarmac driveway, who’s life savings have suddenly disappeared.
  17. ‘Confessions of a window cleaner’ is starting in ten minutes. I’m sure you’ve set your Phillips VCR to record it anyway.
  18. Probably because Ulrikka Johnson’s mongrel offspring are all still at weather forecaster college complaining about it being far too white and how victimised they feel when someone asks them ‘Is your mum that ragged old slag off the telly years ago?’
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