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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. ‘Beans mean Trans’. Fuck off.
  2. Fucking hell DC. It’s probably not the answer to your problems but If it makes you feel any better at all don’t worry about me. I’m absolutely fine, never felt better mate.
  3. If the scientists have said this it must be 100% true. I’m going to put 6 masks on, sanitise my hands till the skin has disappeared completely and get myself settled in under the bed while I’m still slim enough to. No way am I going to risk infecting Granny with the Obesity23 virus. She’s only just recovered from her 25th Covid infection. Let’s just pray that Pfizer can come up with another miracle jab like last time and save us all from exploding. Bill Gates is an absolute cunt but Jeffery Epstein seemed to like him.
  4. ‘The Puppet President Zelensky’’s whistle stop tour (in full army surplus store regalia) of Europe, the Middle East oil region, culminating in what will be a spectacular MSM photo op arrival at the G7 VIP circle jerk in Hiroshima, to satisfy the insatiable appetite of the billions of adoring Ukraine flag waving Stepford wives and their testosterone free husbands, glued to their 74” TVs across the globe will predictably keep the brain dead majority of so called ‘intelligent viewers’ happy in the belief that a large proportion of the wages they’ve slogged their arses off this week to earn, then willingly hand over to their respective governments has helped the fight against the tyrant Putin to save the world from destruction. So what if we can’t afford food this week? So what if our utility bills are 5 times what they were last year? So what if everyone seems to be speaking Ukrainian when they push in front of you in the queue at Tescos nowadays? So what if Blackrock now owns a third (and rising) of the agricultural land in Ukraine, the largest grain exporter in Europe? Mmm?🤫
  5. You’re at least 60 years ahead of the game, but thanks for the warning anyway. I’ll have my security team put on full alert if they’re still alive by then.
  6. His nappy isn’t filled up yet and he’s got his potty on his head incase he gets caught short.
  7. The Paparrazi thought they’d hit the jackpot and caught Ed Sheeran and Dianne Abbot slipping off to the Holiday Inn for a quickie.
  8. Of course you do. He’s a big supporter of the current ‘chicks with dicks’ phenomena.
  9. You’ve spelled hormone blockers wrong, you thick fucking freak of nature.
  10. Covered in ‘hundreds and thousands’ so it looks like he’s topped himself.
  11. I’ve modified my imaginary M4 to fatally electrocute any ‘poor person’ stupid enough to touch the door handles. ‘Normal people’ (those who don’t think the world owes them a living, stagger home drunk from the local food bank loaded up with pot noodles and Tesco Value beans every morning and spend the rest of the day sprawled on the sofa stuffing their fat faces watching Loose Women) receive a lesser voltage and usually survive, unless it’s someone I don’t like, in which case I run them over while they’re lying stunned in the road. Oh and could you please clarify whether this prediction of yours is going to happen eventually or soon?
  12. Nothing really. He’s always been a useless fucking hobo cunt.
  13. This could be the great comeback that Frank’s been threatening for years. Who knew Daniel Day Lewis’s career had really sunk this low?
  14. Everyone looks fat to Frank RK. He got chased out of Aldi for groping a Dairylea cheese string recently.
  15. Different gravy RK 🤣
  16. The Scofe would immediately know something felt different in the back of the limo after the show.
  17. Minicab driver and first reserve if the aftershave guy in the VIP toilets didn’t turn up.
  18. Which would both have spread upwards from his gangrenous anus.
  19. Donald J Trump exonerated yet again in the 300+ page findings of Special Counsel John Durham. The corrupt FBI leadership acting on behalf of ‘Crooked Hillary’ Clinton however coming out of this attempted coup rather differently (not that anyone with a brain and an even slightly open mind didn’t already know). But whilst 100% clearing Trump and attributing the blame to the real perpetrators of what in any other period in history would have been and imo should still be treason and a short walk to the electric chair, the fudge was added, and the conclusion made that even though the presidential candidate and subsequently elected President (Donald J Trump) was the innocent target of a politically motivated criminal conspiracy by his opponent, the FBI and the DOJ, with their lapdogs in the fake news MSM (NYT, Washington Post which both fraudulently accepted Pulitzer Prizes for their one sided reporting of what they knew was BS), that the corrupt to the core deep state bad actors responsible should not be prosecuted for their now clear and undeniable crimes. The US government and to a lesser degree our own is currently in what I would describe as a crisis of legitimacy, infested at all levels on both sides, left and right, by elitist, self entitled traitors with the sole aim of preserving their power and control over the masses at any cost no matter what. And yet they still haven’t been able to topple Trump. 🇱🇷
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