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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I bet that’s what you gleefully exclaimed when you finally (and totally unexpectedly) achieved the status of ‘non virgin’ while Jedward were pulling up their trousers in a weird display of synchronised post-bumsex unison.
  2. Nothing ‘sinister’ about you though eh? Just a perfectly normal, everyday, hormone blocker fuelled, cock swinging pre-op, emaciated and lonely old man, devoid of any friends or family, lurking around after dark in charity shop doorways, fully resplendent in the moth eaten clothing of several long dead real biological women. Kill yourself and save someone else the bother.
  3. There’s really no need to sign off in such a formal manner, but it’s good to know that you’re aware of and it appears maybe even at last embracing your hard earned and wholly deserved nickname. 😘
  4. Give her a damn hard thrashing up the wrongun from me before you go Ed. It might make her a bit more bearable for all the other cunts in the pub who are just out to enjoy themselves.
  5. 4PM is afternoon where I live. What time do you usually pass out?
  6. Is that a bicycle pump in your shorts?
  7. Never mind all that stuff that’s far too complicated for a toothless, piss soaked dimwit like yourself to have any understanding of. I’ve just come back last week from a few days in the province and was out drinking with one of my pals over there who I’ve been mates with since school. He is a former RUC DI and we ended up back at a former colleague of his’s house. Top fella tbh and guess what the fucker has in his garage? Only the bullet ridden boot lid of the white Citroen from the 1987 Loughgall close combat lesson (8-0 and one collateral damage) that the SAS taught your lot. A thing of beauty it truly is and I’ve made him promise that if he ever wants to sell it to give me first refusal.
  8. You really do expose yourself every time you post as even more and more of a gullible MSM addicted idiot than even I imagined. Wake up please ffs as I’ve recently started to find it difficult to even laugh at your nonsensical ‘Orange man bad’ Google derived feeble ripostes. Up your game or fuck off.
  9. Don’t ever question The Vulcan’s self proclaimed ‘consistency’ again if you know what’s good for you. It’s all the unfuckable deranged cunt has got left to cling on to after the battering I’ve given her, and I want to prolong her humiliation a bit longer before finishing her off for good.
  10. The police might have found it and returned to the old lady whose living room it was nicked from while she was at the bank withdrawing her life savings to pay for her new driveway which never got finished (or even started). lol.
  11. A string of glass beads for the Chief of the village seems a pretty fair deal RK. And the finest looking bird gets a complimentary pearl necklace to show off too.
  12. So the bank records which the House Oversight Committee have showing 9 members of the Biden crime family receiving more than $10m from China, Russia, Ukraine and Romania, channeled through 20 different LLCs, all conducting no actual business, but set up purely for the flow of cash to the Bidens from entities in foreign countries. More than a hundred and fifty ‘suspicious financial activity reports’ concerning Hunter Biden and at least seven other Biden family members which several banks sent to the FBI and the IRS, who had not only failed to investigate, but concealed the very existence of them until the GOP regained the House this year and the power to demand they be handed over. And the dozens of FBI, DOJ, IRS, DHS whistleblowers coming forward now and testifying under oath about their personal knowledge of the widespread corruption and politicisation of the federal agencies against the so called right which they have witnessed, fully aware that they will be targeted by the very agencies that they have served previously, are all just fabricated nonsense, invented by those that you love to dismiss as the ‘tinfoil hat brigade’ or knuckle dragging MAGA conspiracists? Pull your big brain head out of your immeasurably bigger arse and at least contemplate the possibility that you’ve got this one completely fucking wrong. Who knows? It might be the making of you but just in case it isn’t Fuck off.
  13. I tried to make her go to rehab and she said ‘no no no’ RK. Anyway good luck with the DIY thing. I’ve always steered well clear of all that sort of carry on myself as I think it’s only fair to let the woman get some experts in and then inevitably fuck it all up according to her instructions, at which point I can then tell her ‘You should have let me help from the start and none of this would have happened. But never mind, we’re a team and we’ll be stronger after Ive sorted it all out Babe’. Also RK Were going on holiday next month to Kenya, just me and the Doris, and I was wondering if you’ve ever been on a safari yourself?, and if so, what the fuck apart from looking at animals that I’ve seen in zoos before is the point?
  14. And all the billions of cunts on tiktok who’ll never get the chance to experience me RK. Fuck them. They wouldn’t understand me anyway.
  15. In the unlikely (but most welcome) event of you passing away anytime during this millennium, have you given any thought to the poor unfortunate undertaker who gets landed with the horrendous and probably impossible task of what to do with the big problem in your y-fronts in order to close the lid on your coffin? Perhaps a US style themed casket in the shape of a submarine or a steam train might be the solution. But that aside, you just being dead would be good enough. Fuck off.
  16. Frank has never gone a day, and I’d bet he never will without sucking multiple cocks (mostly black), usually when the lunchtime queue for his gaping arsehole reaches right round the block and meets him head on when he’s bent over staring at the toes of his gay as fuck loafers. The cunt’s a disgrace.
  17. Just face up to the impossible to deny reality that the majority of punters (with the exception of Pen, R Soles, Panzywanker and a few other assorted nobodies) seem to think you’re an insufferable, finger wagging, irrelevant, know all (fuck all), humourless, unfuckable bore. So having achieved all that why not consider packing it in now as tbh I reckon you’ve peaked. Stay warm 😘
  18. ‘The Biden laptop conspiracy’? Please enlighten me with your ‘too clever to be bothered with MENSA, Big Brain’ analysis of how the ‘Hunter Biden laptop’ which has been in the possession of the FBI since 2018, labelled as Russian disinformation by the deep state intelligence cabal in 2020 when the NY Post attempted to inform the US people about it just prior to the Presidential election (the fairest and most legitimate one in history lol), immediately blanket banned from Twitter and Facebook along with anyone who dared to speak about its contents or even it’s authenticity, but has now become a conspiracy ‘FACT’ with even the loudest deniers (the fakestream MSM and even the FBI) openly admitting its existence, its authenticity and its factual evidence of the Biden crime family’s corruption? Join the imaginary dots? China….$$$$$ ….Biden family Russia…..$$$$$….Biden family Ukraine……$$$$….Biden family Romania…..$$$$….Biden family Stay warm. 😘
  19. King Billy

    Mrs McCann

    He would do in the unlikely event that he regained any muscle function in his battered rectum.
  20. Her family won’t take her back in Ukraine after the war Eric. I’ll take her off your hands though. We’re a bit short staffed at the brothel now.
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