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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I’m sure I remember seeing a charity auction where an enormous framed ‘Schmeichel’ turd, signed by Chesney himself was bought for a record price by a weird looking mystery collector calling himself Rsoles or something,
  2. It would never get to that point Stubbs as the unfortunate cunt would already have written a farewell note for his wife and kids in the toilets, and be merrily swinging from his own tie with a relieved smile on his oxygen starved face.
  3. That’s a very roundabout way of telling the cunt to ‘Get fucked’ but who knows? It might work.
  4. Shit. I’ve just realised how rude this looks. I genuinely forgot to tell you to get fucked.
  5. At least that’s not something you’ve needed to worry about at home for many, many years. 😘
  6. That’s not exactly what happened. It was a storm in a teacup which was quickly resolved and as far as I can remember most of us were simply adjusting our trousers or scratching our private parts.
  7. That’s a tough one Raas. All I know is that she’s never been right about anything.
  8. Unlike you, you lonely old freak. Staring out the window, on your own every day imagining what it would be like to know someone who’d not be totally repulsed by your freakish appearance, probably to the point of extreme violence if you attempted to strike up a conversation with them before you’d bored the poor Cunt to unconsciousness. Fuck off,
  9. The Vulcan was never going to allow someone to exist on here with the username Massive Cunt. I’ve no idea why but there must a reason which I just can’t for the life of me figure out. Massive Cunt ®️
  10. For what it’s worth (as the no1 thicko on here) you’ve got my vote on this one, purely due to the unprecedented and unarguably imminent threat to the human race 30’ heatwave that we’ve all had to try to survive this weekend, you ginger, factor 70+ boring, big brained know all cunt. Get fucked.😘
  11. You fucking stupid fucking cunt. You should have kept an ‘E’ back and spelled response correctly instead of munching the whole stash at Friday nights ‘Pride Cockdanglers Knees up’. Fuck off.
  12. My first thought when I read “I think you’re a fuckin’ cunt” was ‘That’s a really bad thing to say about me. He’s got me there. He might not be as fucking thick as he makes himself look every day.’ But then I thought ‘Isn't this Cunts Corner? Of course he fucking is.’
  13. I’d be quite happy to take full credit for that, as long there’s a reward of some description. Even if it was just a heartfelt thank you from his relieved parents.
  14. I think you’re showing the weird, freakshow exhibit, fossilised, stinking of mothballs, hideous, cockswinging old cuntbag far too much respect Ape. If Drew reads that tomorrow when he sobers up he’ll probably think a couple of cans of K and you’re there for the taking.
  15. It would appear that the filth no longer ‘chase’ anyone they perceive to be committing a crime. They now ‘follow’ the suspect. A bit like the illegal immigrants who used to arrive by the thousands in ‘dinghys’ but now travel here in ‘small boats’. It’s as if the verminous media and their cocksucking political puppet masters have decided that redefining a few key words in what have become problematic everyday occurrences will make the severely retarded public that they depend upon for their very existence think they’re talking about something new and easily solved. Same shit, different toilet. Fuck off.
  16. Blacks have always loved being lynched so yes. To quote Ellen ‘Be kind’. Tbh ‘being kind’ has always been what I’m most known for and I bet you couldn’t find anyone on Earth who could say a bad thing about me.
  17. Mike this bigoted and blatantly transphobic nom is in very poor taste, as ‘Pride Month’ has barely begun. This is exactly the sort of hate speech that could deter millions of children from wearing their sisters knickers, slapping on their mums lipstick and demanding that their winkles be chopped off immediately. Shame on you.
  18. You wouldn’t be the prime suspect if she woke up plastered in congealed baby batter and unable to prise open her eyelids Decs. There’s quite a few on here who’d be having their front door bashed in at 6AM first.
  19. Why not phone your boss, tell him you and the band are back together and you’re going on a world tour tomorrow? And don’t forget to call him a fat ugly smelly cunt before he tells you he’s delighted to be rid of you and was going to sack you next week anyway.
  20. All the ho’s in my stable are specialists in one way or another Eric. I’m just the bloke who manages the financial side of things, purely in their best interests because I know that most of them would struggle with their consciences if I wasn’t getting my fair share. And they all know that without me to look after them when their fanny’s been round the clock 3 or 4 times and eventually packs up, all the years of hard graft would have been for nothing. Times have changed. In the old days you could just tie them up, put them in a sack and chuck them in the canal when they became financially unviable. Fucking never ending new regulations are killing small businesses Eric. I’m seriously thinking of jacking it in and buying a little newsagents shop for the missus to work in.
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