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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Mystery object in your trousers named as Biggus Diccus. Fuck off.
  2. Distemper, rabies, parvovirus, adenovirus and leptospirosis jabs would be a must considering his lifestyle choices I should imagine.
  3. “Scalpel please nurse. I’m going in now. I may be gone for some time. “Good luck Doctor. If you’re not back out by this time next week, I’ll make sure your wife and kids are informed.”
  4. A terrible state of affairs tbf Panzyspacker, and something which I don’t want to discuss. The only consolation for me is that the no.1 name registered for newborn boys in the fine Oirish city of Galway in 2022 is Seamus. Oh sorry it’s not Seamus, Michael, Patrick or even Leo (after your sandal wearing, jizz guzzling, great leader) but, wait for it…..Mohammed🤣 ’Ahh doesn’t the wee lad look just like his daddy Mrs Murphy. I mean his real daddy, not that fucking stupid cunt Eamonn you’re married to of course. Oill see you at Friday prayers Mrs Murphy. Alekum Salam now.’
  5. I doubt it as he’d be following the ‘Top Dog’ eagerly picking up all his droppings for his collection.
  6. I’ve heard similar talk about Kevin Spacey DC. Did you ever point the finger at him? Obviously not in a Philip Scofield/ Gordon the gopher way.
  7. Still a lot more real looking than Pens fake Velcro secured joke shop vagina which he admires in the mirror every morning with the beast clenched between his varicose veined Frank like legs.
  8. Does he still live in Finsbury Shark, sorry Park?
  9. Just like Joe Biden for 8 years. Actually Barack Hussein Obama had the same problem every day with the First Lady Michael.
  10. Does her cunt still function Mike? Just asking as it could be a dealbreaker.
  11. I know you probably don’t want to think about life after she’s gone Mike but when that day comes I’d appreciate it if you gave me first refusal on the wheelchair. Obviously I’d need you to send me service history invoices (recorded mileage etc.) and photos of its current condition (tyre treads etc.). Just asking as I reckon we could make a tidy profit from a neighbour of mine who’s been pushing his overflowing colostomy bag past my front door for years in a rickety old fucking thing that even Ironside or Sandy Richardson wouldn’t have been seen dead in. Don’t feel guilty for seriously considering my proposition. Just think of it as what she would have wanted if you’d told her about it.
  12. They better have made sure that they ordered the halal version of ‘SeaSteps’ or they’ll be facing a massive lawsuit once all the new ‘doctors, teachers, lawyers and scientists’ get settled in to their 5 star hotel suites, decide what to have for dinner from the a la carte menu, unpack their Armani suits and laptops, then type in the password for the hotels free Wi-Fi and email their list of complaints to Sir Kier Starmers lawyer mates demanding tens of thousands of pounds compensation ASAP. Welcome to Britain 2023. Would the last person to be raped, stabbed or blown up please switch the lights off.
  13. That might be doing you a favour coming out that end, or did the butcher de-quill the hedgehog before chucking it in the sausagemachine?
  14. Pen and her would be the ideal match if he was about 200 years younger. Shame really (not really). The decrepit hideous old freak looks destined to remain a sad and lonely loser forever. 🤣
  15. Nips are from Japan, which isn’t in China. If you don’t believe me have a look tomorrow if you happen to be anywhere near an off licence 😵‍ and you’ll see that Tsing Tao and Asahi are usually displayed on a different shelf. Oh and how’s Stella? Are you having a quiet night in with her again tonight?
  16. If there’s one thing I would bet the log book of my imaginary M4 on it’s The Vulcans integrity. Her moral compass and self professed ‘consistency’ will not allow her to take any other course of action for herself than either a very lengthy spell in the cooler or the deletion of her account. I for one will miss her daily but predictably unsuccessful attempts to bore me into sexual submission. And the irony is that all she had to do was say ‘sorry I’m wrong’ just once and she could have had a go on the big guy. Mrs. Roops RIP She never did get fucked after all.
  17. No need for that. I’m not biting.
  18. Unlike all those hitchhikers.
  19. Paddy Mayne’s statue still stands proudly in Ards town square fuckwit. I believe the statue of Bobby Sands at Ballymurphy still hasn’t been found after it broke free from the piece of string securing it to a lamp post and blew away in a mild breeze. The phone number for anyone with information as to its whereabouts is….808080. Ate nothing, Ate nothing, Ate nothing. lol lol lol.
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