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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. This prophecy hasn’t aged very well Gypps has it?
  2. That would be an ecumenical matter.
  3. No young boy who’s back doors have just been battered has to the best of my knowledge ever given a description of the perpetrator as ‘a man wearing a bowler hat and a dress’. Not that I’m a defender of the Anglican Church at all but I doubt whether PantiesboyMurphy could in good faith say much in defence of the RC Church, who’s employees historical appetite for prepubescent arsehole is well documented.
  4. Emma Radacanucleanupthemessyouvemadeonyourseatwhenthematchends?
  5. ‘It’s Nigger sir. He’s dead’.
  6. DC told me he once fingered her and Dolly Parton backstage .
  7. 🎶Can ya see what it is yet?🎶
  8. Unless I’ve got it all arse about face Pantyliner, the vast majority of arsebandits and kiddy fiddlers on the ‘island of Ireland’ in recent history have been either Catholic priests or a sibling of your head honcho ‘freedom felcher’ himself, Saint Gerry of Adams. Lol.
  9. Shutting yourself in would keep everyone and the geese a lot safer.
  10. No more scouring the internet for a bespoke glover every time she needs a new pair now Ed. How many fingers did she have off in total?
  11. That’s her orgasm face. Her normal face is much scarier.
  12. Atomic bombs are quite damaging to people only if they’re stupid and haven’t crouched underneath the kitchen table in a foetal position as soon as it explodes. It’s not rocket science ffs.
  13. Fair point Eric. Even their most sacred prophet Mohammed seems to have struggled with the written word too, as he obviously didn’t understand the words ‘AGE…..6 YEARS’ when his wife to be and him were filling out their marriage licence application. Filthy paedo cockroaches, every one of them.
  14. Just make sure you scrub all her mRNA clunge sludge off the big chap the second you withdraw from the slack fannied ogre Raas. And I’d soak it in a bucket of Domestos for at least an hour too if I were you, just to err on the side of caution. Good luck. You’ll definitely need it.
  15. They seem to be able to follow all the road signs from Shithole Central in subsaharan Africa all the way to the beach at Calais Eric without too much difficulty. Fucking swarm of greasy oversized cockroaches, disguised as doctors, teachers, scientists, 7ft children and every one an asset to our country apparently.
  16. Tbh Poncywanker I’m thinking of giving all that a miss this year and joining your lot for the Pride Month celebrations. I can see myself marching down O’Connell St. wearing my sash, bowler hat and fuck all else, huge black dildo hanging out of my arse, holding hands with you and Gerry Adams and pointing my erect penis at Leo Varadkars firm naked buttocks swivelling down the street in front of us. What’s gone wrong with you lot ? Surely you weren’t always this fucking thick? Or were you?
  17. Not if Roops gets there before me, but I’ll try anything once as long I’m following ‘the science’. It’s never been totally wrong before. 🤣
  18. 6m quid a day to keep the cunts in luxury hotels? 200 quid (approx) one off cost to erect a huge banner on the cliffs above Dover…… STABBING, RAPING KIDS, SUICIDE BOMBING ETC. STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Politics, fucking easy.
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