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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I used to live in Westbourne Terrace Road in Little Venice Raas. Just by the theatre pub on the canal basin. Branson had a huge barge/recording studio there at the time which I threw rocks at quite frequently on my way home from the Warwick pub. Even back then it was obvious what a cunt he was.
  2. Not allowed in Eric. It’s clearly stated on the door. NO WELSH ALLOWED BKACKS, IRISH AND DOGS WELCOME.
  3. Eddie’s knob must fucking smell like a tarka dall by the time he escapes The Vulcan and gets home to the missus every night. He needs to be careful or she’s going to start asking him some very uncomfortable questions soon.
  4. Samantha Fox aged 16 NOT SELLING PHOTOS OF HER CUNT to The Sun and Huw Edwards as the BBC’s top newsreader who announced the death of The Queen then led the coverage of her period of national mourning and subsequent funeral, followed by the coronation of King Sausage Fingers the second, presenting himself to the licence paying public and his family as a pillar of virtue, then as soon as he thinks he’s safe from scrutiny perving it up with whatever little fresh faced, bald bollocked teenager who’s replied to his internet trawling net. He’s a dirty little cunt who thought his status and wealth would allow him to filth it up behind the backs of his family, his employers and the public and live a lie while getting fat on the hog ad perpetuum.
  5. Which one of the two then is ‘clearly not dysfunctional’ in your opinion? Both of them would be a shoe in for an hour long Jeremy Kyle special, with Huw participating via Zoom from his BBC funded BUPA padded cell, and the crack smoking waif rentboy via FaceTime from the privacy of Franks bedsit. Fuck knows what Graham’s solution would be after 50 minutes or so?
  6. Shoot his load up Wes Streetings arse 3 times, then wipe his maggot twice on Angela Raynors face. Missions accomplished (all 5 of them).
  7. Bobby Thompson’s platform shoes?
  8. Reported for transphobia (I know 🤣).
  9. Or maybe because she’s an insufferable, never been wrong about anything ever, expert on every subject under the sun, far too clever for MENSA, Olympic class wanker, so you better just shut up or else?
  10. All 3 of my ex wives used to pull a face just at the mention of a ‘mad cow joke’, or a ‘fat bird joke’, or a ‘lazy ugly cunt who lies on the sofa all day watching loose women and stuffing her face with cheesecake joke’. If I marry again I’ll make sure the cunt has a sense of humour first, otherwise I’ll just buy her a house and give her all my money instead. I’m not stupid you know.
  11. HRH Humza the 1st. King of Haggistan and only son of the dwarf Queen Nicola McKrankie.
  12. What a match though. Those gals sure earned their millions today with a dazzling display of tennis for an hour or so. 6-4 6-4, twenty games and 11 or 12 of them lost by the server. Novak and the spic will have their work cut out for them for 3 or 4 hours+ tomorrow if they’re hoping to match that display. I honestly feared that todays womens final might have been something of a disappointment when one of the BBC talking heads said after the semi finals ‘Unfortunately we aren’t going to have what we’ve all been hoping for in Saturdays final, a Ukranian player, and it almost came true. How special would that have been?’ So that’s Eurovision and now Wimbledon. Two devastating setbacks in the war against Putin in as many months. I dread to think how many billions it’s going to cost the British taxpayer to get over these colossal strategic defeats?
  13. As comebacks go this makes most of Franks look spectacularly successful.
  14. John Barrowman the annoying yank Dr Who supporting ‘actor’ was until a couple of years ago lauded by the media as the greatest thing since sliced bread, but then got ‘sacked’ by the BBC when it became public knowledge that he had a peculiar habit of exposing himself on set and quite often creeping up behind other ‘actors’ and putting his cock on their shoulder or worse. The BBC stated that behaviour of this nature would not be tolerated. Since then numerous ‘celebrities’ have commented on his behaviour as ‘Well that’s just John, he’s always been an extrovert and a practical joker’ or similar excuses. The BBC have obviously taken this view now aswell as he’s gradually and quietly been welcomed back into the fold. The BBC is a cesspit of paedos, perverts and narcissists who should all be marching round the exercise yard in Wormwood Scrubs smoking roll ups for the rest of their lives.
  15. ‘Only Fangs’ lol
  16. George Best and Oliver Reed both flatly turned down Drew’s liver and Boris Yeltsin threatened to nuke his bungalow and every off licence in a five mile radius unless Reginald Bosanquet apologised on the BBC six o’clock news after taking a live breathalyser test.
  17. I can’t really comment on this subject as I’m completely sane and always have been.
  18. A huge wave of relief swept over our heroine and all the fear and panic she’d been feeling disappeared, as the little Bedford Rascal van pulled over and the handsome young driver called out to her…. ‘Jump in darling. You’re safe now. Neil won’t hurt you.’
  19. Correct Eric. There wasn’t a single poof at any of the Protestant schools I went to in Belfast. I’m not sure to this day if it was statistically accurate but we were told by the grown ups at the time that the catholic school kids were 100% queer and it was our duty to beat them up on sight, or we wouldn’t go to heaven.
  20. I believe it was trialled in 1997 when New Labour took over at No.10, and then fast tracked through Parliament and made compulsory by Peter Mangledbum MP (no doubt with the help and advice of his suspiciously young Brazilian ‘dancing partner’) in early 98. One of Tony B Liars many improvements to British life and culture that rarely get the credit they undoubtedly deserve.
  21. Listen up ‘Caitlin’. You can parade around town all you like in your Oxfam shop floral dress, but it only takes one builder driving past in a Transit van to shout ‘Oy Bruce, get your cock out!’ and the whole charade falls apart. Fuck off.
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