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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. The nanobots only come alive when they’re wet. I’m an old school alpha male and I eat my pot noodles dry with a generous splash of Carolina Reaper sauce and a litre of Jack Daniels just to prove to myself that I haven’t morphed into a raving bender while I’ve been distracted by whatever the latest leftie psyop is.
  2. Please god let it be Jeremy Vine.
  3. If he’d shouted ‘Fuck of you queer fenian cunts’ that would be protected speech in Belfast. I know about these things. 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧
  4. On the plus side if you murder a dwarf or a giant your sentence will be proportionally reduced or increased. Swings and roundabouts.
  5. They’re not really on strike. They’re acting.
  6. England would have won the series if we’d stayed in the EU because it never rained when we were in it and that’s a fact.
  7. Please tell me you’ve never pulled his Speedos aside and fingered Daley DC. Please🤫
  8. What’s high in protein and tastes of chlorine? The contents of Tom Daleys arsehole.
  9. I’m sure he’s got a Rocky video lined up which will clarify things for you Eric. Probably followed by ‘I’m the best on here’, ‘idiot’ or ‘thick as mud’ etc. etc etc. I hope his industrial size tub of fisting butter spontaneously combusts and incinerates him in his rentboy infested council bedsit.
  10. The best outcome for Fwank (and everyone else tbh) would be a full stop.
  11. Bullshit. never happened.
  12. I don’t think she’ll let us off that lightly Fends. Me and the cockapoos are already locked down in the bunker with enough pot noodles and corned beef to weather the tsunami she’s about to unleash my way. But I’ll be OK as I’ve got loads of new Q ANON and MAGA stuff to watch. It’s a shame my missus didn’t hurry herself up getting out of the imaginary M4 when I told her to and is outside banging on the reinforced steel door to get in. I’m probably going to miss her but I know she’ll be OK as there’s a multi pack of crisps in the glove box and a packet of Polo by the gear lever which I forgot to grab when I was getting out.
  13. Her deranged willingness to dismiss the film isn’t really that surprising, considering her defence of the worldwide murder of millions of unborn babies as a lifestyle choice. I’m just glad my mum wasn’t as clever and enlightened as her or I’d have ended up in a tiny bucket marked ‘spare parts’ minus my internal organs (as a lifestyle choice) or sold to the highest bidder and never mentioned again (except by those Q ANON conspiracy theorists that Donald Trump controls with a top secret device from his basement at Mar a Lago surrounded by stolen top secret documents and VHS pee pee tapes (narrated by Hilary Clinton with Russian subtitles).
  14. Reported for inter member acrimony and abusive behaviour. Throw acid in your own face and fuck off, not necessarily in any particular order. Au revoir.
  15. The fact that it’s taken 2 weeks for you to find, swallow and post this paedo supporting video makes me seriously wonder about who’s been mugged here or is there something a little bit more sinister going on in your massive brain? But I guess that’s to be expected when someones TDS is triggered and their reaction is ‘How dare anyone not agree with the widespread horrific abuse of children? I bet they don’t agree with murdering unborn babies too.’ I liked the way the ‘doo lally’ bitch tried to portray herself as just innocently and virtuously popping down to buy her ‘Oppenheimer’ tickets (now there’s a film which should actually be classed as fiction due to there not being a category for blatant revisionist history) when she noticed that the ‘Q’Anon movie’ as she called it was showing and just had to find out why anyone would want to watch it? So she did the obvious thing and tried to buy a ticket to watch it 🤣. And she felt the need to let us know that she wouldn’t take up a handicapped seat (the sort of behaviour that the MAGA mob would definitely boast about down at the bikers bar). Anyway, you carry on sticking up for the paedos and I’ll carry on not. Stay warm. 😘
  16. You for a start. Who are the others?
  17. Like a traditional Taiwanese Viking send off into the afterlife but on a very tight budget?
  18. At least, unlike you she probably sat down to piss as I’m assuming she had a real vagina and not a huge swinging cock like her son.
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