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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Drive north on the M6 to Gretna Green then immediately do a handbrake turn and head south on the M6 as fast as humanly possible. Or alternatively come off the northbound M6 at Carlisle avoiding Scotland completely, have a zoot or a blast on the crack pipe and listen to Bob Marley in the motor for half an hour before heading back down the motorway to London, keeping within the speed limit to avoid any unwanted attention from the police (assuming that you’re driving a stolen car which is pretty much a certainty).
  2. Bent over a bin behind the food bank or in the alley beside the Jobcentre?
  3. Wtf has happened to Oz Doc? Every cunt seems to have morphed into a bender, a tranny or a mentally ill leftie woketard and even the Abos are laughing at you all flapping over whether to vote for the ‘voice’. Chopper Read will be spinning in his grave and laughing his decomposing bollocks off. ‘Such is life’
  4. Pen’s given Rsoles a 12 month shorthold tenancy agreement and he’s moving his stuff in to the septic tank on Monday morning. He doesn’t have to pay the full council tax as he’s banned from all the local parks (for obvious reasons).
  5. May I respectfully (lol) suggest that you for once in your life get your facts right, even if that means you have to occasionally sacrifice some of your extremely valuable (to you🤣) time and start trawling? I would have thought you’d learned your lesson from the first time we engaged on this particular subject, when as usual your superior knowledge of what could and could not be done to circumvent the ridiculous, paranoid and chaotic ‘Wuhan Sniffles’ travel requirements was quickly shown to be nothing of the sort and just another demonstration of your uncontrollable habit of talking when you should really be listening. I recall several MSM articles confirming how widespread and easy it was to pay a modest sum of money and ‘hey presto’ you’re a sheep pointed out to you at the time by myself, DC and others. And finally your ‘compelling’ suggestion that I’d ‘taken the vaccinations to facilitate travel’ is probably in the top 3 of the stupidest statements I’ve seen you make. I say probably because like yourself I’m not prepared to trawl through many threads. Don’t you think reading the piles and piles of shit once that you’ve posted is punishment enough? 😘 and get fucked.
  6. ‘Yes I’m sure’ he said again. ‘Well you better get off here then’ she said ‘There’s no more stops after this one till Auschwitz’. Fuck off.
  7. I’ve spoken to Drew and he’s advised me not to. Have you two fallen out? He said not to listen to you as you’re always drunk and he doesn’t like that sort of thing. What’s going on Ape? Tell me you’re OK?
  8. Panzerwally will no doubt be in charge of the catering (baked potatoes and beans, famine allowing).
  9. Why not post a picture of your giant organ to prove you really have a camera? Fucking tranny weirdo freak.
  10. Can I just say that the fact that a lot of punters seem to now see you as an unlikeable obnoxious fucking cunt has cheered me up immensely and given me a renewed vigour to carry on with the often daily drudge of tormenting your sorry arse. I have to admit that knowing I live in your massive derelict building of a brain 24/7 is still a source of great amusement to me and I know that one day you’ll thank me for helping you to sort yourself out and join the rest of us as part of the human race. 😘
  11. I reckon she must be well overdue her 57th ‘totally safe and totally effective’ Covid booster jab, as she seems a hell of a lot more tense and irritable than usual to me. She should really thank the lucky stars that she’s avoided (by about 20 years) myocarditis and the ever increasing list of other adverse side effects affecting the previously healthy pre-plandemic population under 50. Tbh I’d offload those Pfizer shares if I were her, as more and more of the brainwashed, masked up sheep are waking up to the awful truth pretty quickly now, and the Big Pharma and ‘scientific community’ rats are jumping the sinking ship all over the world, scurrying away and disappearing under the rocks they crawled out of way back in March 2020.
  12. I’m still in DC. She’s not quite dead yet and I haven’t wasted all this time toying with her to miss out on the twitching corpse finale.
  13. As I recall one of your ‘Fan Bois’ (Pen) accused me at the time of lying about being in Budapest or Gran Canaria (the only two places I visited during the plandemic) and you being you quickly corrected him, giving the impression that you had the ability at your fingertips to track where in the world I was posting from. So rather than call your honesty into any doubt now perhaps you can remind me where exactly, and for how many months I claimed to be ‘transversing all over Europe’? (I assume you meant ‘traversing’ ….MENSA🤣). You’re out of your depth with me dear. Call it a day while you’ve still got Pen and R soles lapping up your nonsense or I’ll have no choice but to lure them away from you too. The games up, you’ve been rumbled. Bye now 😘
  14. Frank hasn’t eaten a solid meal for years. He survives (barely) on a diet of anti viral AIDS blockers washed down with lashings and lashings of organic non pasteurised immigrant spunk, probably flaming in a cocktail glass with a bamboo umbrella. The cunt’s a fucking disgrace.
  15. 🍺MAKE DREW GREAT AGAIN🍺 🚁Fuck off W⚓️
  16. I’ve got a bigger fan club than Harry Styles and I don’t even have to wear a dress. 🎶My Maserati does 185 I lost my licence and now I don’t drive Life’s been good to me so far🎶
  17. What’s blue and fingers old ladies? Your old man in his lucky blue tank top.
  18. Excellent spelling. Keep up the hard work boy.
  19. You’ve got it all wrong Judge. While you’ve been away picking avocados at the kibbutz The Vulcan has gone through an unexplainable transformation. She’s abandoned all her previous behavioural abnormalities and become probably the most reasonable, eager to listen to other members opinions which she disagrees with and 9 times out of 10 apologising unreservedly when she’s wrong . So I wouldn’t worry Judge. She’s probably flying around her cave on her broomstick right now drafting a grovelling apology for all the times she abused her vast power unjustly persecuting you. Oh hang on. I’ve just realised all that was a dream I’ve just woken up from. Sorry Judge she’s even more of a despicable, fucking tyrannical, know all, bag of shit than you remember. Prepare your arsehole and grit your teeth. Good luck.
  20. It’s a good thing she doesn’t take herself at all seriously as that might give her the appearance of an unbearable, self obsessed, never wrong, finger wagging, ‘shut up and listen to me’ know all cunt in the eyes of the less intelligent members on here (me) which would be totally wrong of course. Tbh I often wonder how she carries the burden of her magnificence so easily and never ever complains about the huge responsibilities she seems to have been alotted, both on here, and the multitude of other top level industries she’s modestly admitted to excelling in at the highest levels. Tbh I’m a huge fan and I will probably let her have a go on the big fella one day but I’m just a bit worried she might turn out not to be the perfect 10 that I constantly imagine her to be. I’d still knock one up her wrongun anyway as I was brought up to respect women even the far from perfect 1s and 2s. ‘Get them all fucked son and the world’s your oyster’, my old man used to tell me every time we discussed my future plans. Sound advice it was too.
  21. Withers the fucking Germans got sent packing back in 1945. There’s fuck all to gain by grassing every cunt up for everything they say because there’s not a Nazi alive who’d listen to you anyway, you daft old collaborating beret wearing Allo Allo cunt. Sort yourself out or you’ll be sleeping with the onions tout suite.
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