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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. She’s your bird mate sorry. Perhaps your punching above your weight. Anyway give her one up the Gary Glitter for me old chap
  2. Don’t think there will be a lot of competition for her slimy dung beetle infested arsehole
  3. She’s so fuckin lovely you can have her. Enjoy
  4. This cunt wouldn’t even get in the snp. He’s a Scottish Green Party msp whoever the fuck they are. I think it’s to do with the cabbage slime running down his spastic buttocks. Anyone dumping a grand piano or a blacksmiths anvil out of their top window, pleeeease wait for this fuckin gimp to walk past. Cunt
  5. Cunts like him are what the sweaty socks deserve. If you closely examine his fissog he’s 150 % jock. Ginger Barnet,Alan Carr specs, mad looking boat race. Probably didn’t even know they were voting. Maybe thought they were applying for Jeremy Pile show. Henceforth this little bag of shite shall be known as Cunty mc Cunt Face
  6. Also, why the comma between working and honest Mr potato head?
  7. Uncle Danny Heeeelp!!! Big boys are after me again boo hoo. I don’t want no trouble mate. I’ve heard you trans cunts can fight
  8. this filthy little bastard cunt son of the proclaimers during their anal carnage days has been polluting my tv screen today spouting on about Churchill was a white supremacist mass murderer. Oh yeah I forgot Herr Hitler was a great champion of human rights. Dr. Mengele would have had a field day with this fucking haggis faced ginger fuckwit. Definite front runner for cunt of the millennium this grade a melt. Should be recycled into a packet of nice biscuits
  9. What is it with you and kids?
  10. Chaplin had a massive cock. He weren’t afraid of hitler and he weren’t no cunt. I know some geezer who saw it in the men’s public toilets on Hampstead Heath
  11. Big party tonight at chez Blair. All the usual suspects in attendance. Jack in the box Straw (wearing his prescription glasses from Cunts savers Golders Green branch) Gordon ‘one eye and a whelk’ Brown, Alastair Campbell wearing his new jacket with the sleeves buckled up at the front, Nurse ratchet keeping an eye on Mr campbell, Gaylord Peter Mangledbum and his new Brazilian mortgage advisor, John ‘The guvnor Presscunt’ Jeremy’s invitation got lost in the post. Should be passing round the Ferrero Roche’s about now and then hot tub time. Good old new labour. Fuckin legends or bunch of cunts? You decide
  12. Somebody been flogging the Bishop? Seems a bit tense and irritable. Should go and have a lie down in a dark room and have a word with himself the mug cunt
  13. Fair to soft I’m happy with that. That’s what makes it all worthwhile, when you work hard at your cunting and it’s acknowledged by a fellow cunter. Muchas gracias senor
  14. Shouldn’t we just make the cunt carry a giant wooden cross across London and then crucify the hideous troll faced fucker on Barnet hill. Methinks he’d go for that as he’s always thought of himself as the messiah returning to save all us little people. The cunt of all cunts. Some of his miracles were even better than Gods. The parting of the English Channel so millions of so called refugees could get to Dover was vastly superior to Moses’ pathetic effort. So big cheer and let’s get the gargoyle faced shit cunt nailed up now.
  15. Seems the earl of spunkage has become a fucking religious maniac. There’s a very contagious strain of mad cunts disease going round. Looks like this cunts definitely a carrier
  16. I’ve just looked in my Guinness book of records and the record for the oldest spouse of a reigning monarch to fuck 2 unconscious RTA victims is 94 So he’s missed a trick there the daft old cunt. Could have been his legacy. What a prize cunt
  17. Excellent cunting judgetwi👍🏼 This bunch of cunts we have now in westminger are really excelling themselves. Makes one proud be British. That’s the spirit old chap.Stiff upper lip old bean.Wouldnt be fighting them on the beaches as Winston said. especially not Brighton beach. We would be shoulder deep in homo jizz and used johnnies. Keep up the good work old bean. Carry on cunting sir
  18. If Tony cuntface Blair was the greatest pm this country’s ever had I better finish off washing my mouth out cos the rest of them are gonna need a serious amount of cunting. No time to waste. Work to get on with. Never realised there was so much cunting to do
  19. I usually get everything wrong but I I haven’t given up on my dreams
  20. please don’t put this goblin faced cunt on my tv again or alistair cunting Campbell. Oh yeah and Lord mangledbum,fucking cunts are probably all down gobblers gulch as we speak ripping the arseholes out of each other tryin to find a solution to the current impasse and save the country. Well that cunt Blair thinks he’s already saved us a few times before. Unless I’ve got it all wrong and I’m a complete cunt. Not as much of of a cunt as Cheries cunting face. Oh and their spastic cunting kids. I’m sure one of them fell out of Gordon Browns arse. What a bunch of cunts
  21. What a fuckin prize cunt this is sitting in the hose of lords. The ‘upper chamber’ Up her shitty arsehole more like.She’s been sitting there plating Corbyns hairy Ringpiece while he spouts on about renationalising British Leyland or fucking Raleigh bikes or some other bollocks. Forget about all that shit you grade a Cunt. Concentrate on refloating Diane Flabbot and pushing her out into the channel. The 40 year old child refugees who’ve walked half way across the world to get here instead of goin to school will never be able to sail round her the fat cunt. The fucking titanic couldn’t get round that lardarse cunt
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