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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Today on Good Morning Britain we have the world renowned expert on Islamic terrorism, international law and basically the font of all knowledge to give us his considered opinion on the Shamima Begum conundrum. Drum roll !!!!! Please welcome Mr Danny Dyer!!!
  2. Been watching a new tv series tonight about Peter Sutcliff. It’s called Whores under the hammer
  3. Wish you’d told me that 5 mins ago. Ah well.
  4. Cable ties can really injure a young ladies delicate wrists if 4 or5 impatient men are not carefull tightening them in their frenzy to get the job done
  5. Handcuff abrasions, CS gas injuries or tazer burns
  6. Neville You’re not still angry about your leg mate? Fuckin cripple!
  7. Do they get their lads out Fathet?
  8. Then I realised it was the missus cleaning out the fish tank
  9. My dad used to reminisce with us at family gatherings and one of his favourite stories about me was, When I first made an appearance on this earth he apparently shouted at the top of his voice “Fucking hell look at that cunt coming out of that cunts cunt!!”Oh how all the family used to laugh at his uncanny ability to get everything absolutely right.
  10. Nice shirt son. Do they make them for men?
  11. My first thought was what a load of cunts. And then my second thought was what a load of cunts. And then blah blah blah blah
  12. Shakespeare had his critics Now look what you’ve done Your mums upset
  13. As Mark ‘Chopper’ Read once said Your generosity will be your downfall
  14. Sorry forgot to mention that they’re a bunch of fuckin cunts as well. Does anyone know what the toll for the Bridge on the River Kwai is now?
  15. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Liam Neeson could make amends for his unintentional outburst by wrapping his Schindler’s list Oscar in a football sock and taking the back of her fucking head off with one quick swipe. Open top bus to the oscars next week and all is forgiven.
  16. The only reason Honda came here in the first place was so they could secretly spy on our British milk floats and steal our technology for their “world beating and innovative fucking hybrid minicab cum halal grooming car” We need to wake up and smell the sushi
  17. Registered in a tax haven as well. So that’s what a new approach to openness in politics looks like. They wouldn’t answer questions on who was bankrolling their new ’politique’ Blair, Campbell, and all the other cunts seem to have suddenly dissapeared off the tv. Mmmmmmm!!!!
  18. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    What goes Ha Ha Bonk? Shamina Begum laughing her head off
  19. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Well that’s that then.
  20. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    For the last couple of days the impartial BBC news have been showing a picture of her without burka, hijab or whatever they are calling their medieval fancy dress this week, all foto shopped to make ‘it’ look like a normal human being. We’re all supposed to think Ahhh! She looks harmless, but the fucking brainless amoeba opens her gob and the bile starts spewing out again. She can definitely be banned from entering the country under the ‘ Dirty smelly filthy horrible cunts act 2019’ and I commend this statement to the house.
  21. King Billy

    UK Politics.

    If all other mp’s of all parties joined them and fucked off to Outer Spackmolia it would probably go down as the greatest day in the history of everything🍾
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