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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    The Home Secretary has just announced that he will reinstate her citizenship if she says sorry and stays with Anna Soubry on her return to Britain. Apparently she has immediately rejected this offer and her lawyer, (How the fuck do you have a lawyer when you live in a fucking tent, with a tarpaulin on your head in the middle of a desert with a baby chimp hanging off your saggy tit and dung beetles all over your chewed up arsehole and a wasps nest in your manky vagina) has appealed to the stupid sorry great British public for sympathy and compassion until her husband gets out of jail and murders them all. Seems reasonable enough to me.
  2. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Just behead the fucking thing and post the bonce to MI6 for further questioning. The offspring can be raised by scorpions on the local camel dung heap and when it’s old enough to understand right from wrong then fucking behead it as well .Its not fucking rocket science
  3. Last summer about 6 carsvan loads of these lovely people arrived overnight about 200 Yard’s from me. It was a Sunday morning and I said to my bird “ Have a look out the window” Where? she asked to which I responded “ the rectangular hole in the wall. The gyppos have fuckin moved into the park. She stuck her head out of the window and replied “ Aww that’s nice, Maybe we can have a barbecue with them later” At which point, having lost the will to live I pathetically mumbled, Yeah that’d be nice babe and went for a shit.
  4. The conning pensioners out of their life savings game must be very slow at the moment then.
  5. I was going to buy a Labrador, but have you seen how many of their owners go blind?
  6. They probably gave him that name in the hope he would be beaten every day by strangers, to save them the bother of doing it themselves. Hopefully it’s an idea that will catch on.
  7. I believe SU also do a manual choke conversion kit
  8. The French are not OK. They definitely a nation of cunts
  9. I’m not a roofer but something doesn’t look right here
  10. Just been watching “Snidey” Allen and” Unlucky” Luciano Bugger on Andrew Marr. What a pair of cunts! I’m sure there was something moving around under Bergers kilt. Probably the so called “baby” trying to escape the unimaginable stench which was even starting to seep from the speakers on my tv. One things for sure Chukka’s getting plenty of cunt right now. Can’t wait for Bergers sprog to emerge like a miniature Chukka. Can you imagine in about a years time the excitement in the Berger household. “Darling come quickly. Baby Chukka’s just told his first lie”
  11. King Billy

    Juan Guaidó

    While your there mate can you grab me a farmers ?
  12. How can these fuckers be classed as a minority group? Have you seen how many of the cunts there are? The females are “married” at about 12 and spend the next 40 years popping our little pikeys at the rate of about 6 a year, while their males are out drinking, fighting and conning old ladies out of their life savings before heading down to the nearest Mercedes dealership to trade in their out of date 1 year old executive saloon. These poor “travelling people” should be made to travel back to the bog they initially crawled out of many years ago
  13. King Billy

    Juan Guaidó

    She’s definitely coming round isn’t she? I’ve just eaten 3 Viagra (100 mg) so I’m gonna be in trouble if this a wind up. Well someone’s gonna be in trouble if I have to go out on the prowl. Helloooo young lady. Don’t worry Billy won’t hurt you😝
  14. You being a fucking expert on all this garbage you haven’t explained why no by-elections ? Maybe because the answer is so obvious. “THESE PEOPLE ARE LYING CUNTS WHO SHOULD BE TREATED WOTH THE UTTER FUCKING CONTEMPT WHICH THEY DESERVE”
  15. Aparrently, until recently it was still possible to travel to Africa and exchange every day items such as miners helmets for vast quantities of diamonds and gold. Now that’s the sort of trade deals we’ve been missing out on because of that damn EU holding us back. Fucking holding back cunts.
  16. This so called miners nose looks strangely white to me. I suspect this to be a picture of some African chap which has been altered with the aid of new technology. ( as yet in the development stage)
  17. Oh and Chuck up Ummunna comes last but one on the list of MPs who respond to emails, yet the cunt probably does more tv and media interviews than almost any other MP. One can only assume that all the emails he gets are from people reminding him what a complete and utter Cunt he undoubtedly is. Fuckin cunt
  18. Could someone please explain to me how it is that every one of these lizard people keep bleating on for a second referendum because, in their own weasel words “The circumstances have changed since the first vote “ Well it seems to me more fucking obvious that the “circumstances” of these cunts being re-elected using Labour and Tory party money, and on the premise of delivering brexit has somewhat changed. Their pathetic refusal to fight by elections should expose them as the no good lying cunts that they obviously are. The only possible exceptions are Ummuna and the fuckin modern day vampire Soubry who have both stayed that they have not changed one bit since before the 2017 election. Unfortunately I cannot disagree with either of them on this important point. They were both lying fucking cunts before and they still are. Decepticons Wake your asses up people. I’m gone.
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