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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    Red Nose Day

    That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me
  2. Another referendum and more lies. Whatever the result we will definitely carry it out. (Unless the vote is leave)
  3. Let’s be honest here. The people were definitely lied to before the referendum. Biggest Fuck Off Lie- whatever the result, the will of the people will be obeyed. I rest my case.
  4. Yeah like fucking bum riding party for men
  5. King Billy

    Red Nose Day

    Really mate Would you rather give all your money away or drive round in a red minge magnet?
  6. King Billy

    Red Nose Day

    Unless we get my missus involved Black cock day
  7. King Billy

    Red Nose Day

    Dunno mate. Small cock day wasn’t a great success last year
  8. King Billy

    Red Nose Day

    All 6 of your male friends may not be free that day
  9. King Billy

    Red Nose Day

    And before you defile his memory any more mate. Or legs
  10. There’s an Indian takeaway near here called “No Curries”
  11. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Like sticking your cock in the car cassette player?
  12. King Billy

    Red Nose Day

    And another thing. Last year while my missus was at her mums funeral. I decided to phone up and book a couple of prossies to relieve my feelings of abandonment and betrayal by my so called “soul mate” Imagine my surprise and, to be honest anger, when my name started flashing up on the telly thanking me for my donation towards the local womens refuge. I went down there fucking raging but to no avail. All the birds in there looked a bit fucking battered. One can only assume their pimps were responsible and none of them really did it for me.And to top it all I had to fake a street mugging when she questioned me about the missing money from her credit card.
  13. King Billy

    Red Nose Day

    My dad had a serious alcohol addiction. George Best turned down his liver, but that’s another story. He had the reddest nose imaginable. He never received a fucking farthing from these cunts. The whole thing is a fucking massive ponzy scam. So without wishing to appear uncharitable they can all fuck off and do whatever cunts do after theyve fucked off.
  14. King Billy

    Liam Adams

    Da da da da Da da da da The Adams Family. Fucking pervert nonce cunts the lot of them IRA (I’ll rape anyone) as long as they’re kids. IRA - terrorists or freedom fiddlers?
  15. Applied anally by a trained professional
  16. Hi I’m Barry Scott. Fuck Cillit Bang In tests 9 out of ten women preferred “itchy scrot-away. Funny they never mention the other one. I bet she’s fucking gorgeous.
  17. Fuckin telly blew up next day though. Fucking cunt
  18. My missus confessed to me once after I got her drunk and slipped a few Rohypnol in her Lambrusco that all her and her mates do all day is laze around watching Loose Women and Ellen (whatever the fuck that is) and play with their fannies all afternoon. So I don’t actually feel any guilt for phoning the tv licensing about her. I’ve thrown her out now and still got 10 months left on it. Whose the clever cunt now?
  19. The 1942 Heinrich Himmler special edition Passat is now very collectable. It has a very fetching color scheme based on the first edition Belsen range by Hugo Boss. Unfortunately very few survived the war somewhat coincidentally.
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