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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. It should read “ fucking laughing” underneath STOP
  2. I might have a bit under my foreskin you could buy
  3. When do you plan to retire from your crossing?
  4. During tender moments of intimacy with The Bishop, Are you the postman or the letterbox?
  5. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Try not to boast about it then
  6. Might improve your breath, then you’d only have your feet and your BO to sort out.
  7. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Good spelling 👍🏼
  8. King Billy

    Shamina Begum

    Could still lob hand grenades at the cunt.
  9. Or the Metropolitan Police
  10. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    “Experts” Don’t you mean shit cunts?
  11. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    I hope we don’t leave the eu because I’m taking the wife and sprogs to Romania in a stolen car and hopefully get some work as a beggar or pickpocket
  12. There’s no one living in Poland anymore Try Peterborough
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