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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Has she ever interviewed Lembit Opik? Or has she ever been seen with the banana faced libtard cunt. No, because the Bum Bandit Copulation have a LGBT quota to fill and these two are made for the job. Same fucking person, no doubt about it. If anybody who wasn’t a complete Cunt tuned into the BBC by accident they would have been rumbled by now.
  2. Round the back of the Brixton Academy
  3. At home scratching their fat arses, stuffing themselves full of Doritos, watching ‘ Loose Wimmin’ and moaning about their work never being done.
  4. Hello! Is it me you’re looking for? I can see it in your eyes. Etc. Etc.
  5. And a council house in London
  6. Paddy Power would probably take that bet but the odds wouldn’t be great. Double it up with Graham Norton would possibly make it a worthwhile little fun bet.
  7. Once the eu directive that stops all cars exceeding the speed limit is implemented Top Gear will be such a hoot. Lamborghini v Ferrari v Porsche ‘ Which can get to 20 mph quickest?’ James May roadtests the new disabled scooter and Hammond tells how he walked away from his latest low speed crash, and Clarkson decides that coming back was a big mistake and chins the producer he threatened last time. Happy days eh? Fucking cunts. The Stig reveals himself to be Stephen Hawking who’se faked his own death as if anyone gives a fuck and Sadiq Khan announces that pushbikes have failed his new emission tests and will be taxed accordingly. Who said things couldn’t get better?
  8. Or they could go round to your house, make sure you’re in and blow it up.
  9. Don’t know how he became met police commissioner either?
  10. Your dreams all end with you running to get some tissue and then changing your pyjama bottoms
  11. I find the darts boring since Phil Taylor packed it in. Cant really get interested in any of these cunts getting hammered by the orange mong. At least Taylor could still give him a run even though he was well past his best. All these other cunts play great until they meet MVG and then turn to jelly, except Anderson occasionally. And as for the BDO Why the fuck do they bother cos they really are shite
  12. My uncle was in the Geordie Rolling Stones. Bill Wy Ay man.
  13. And if the ref calls a miss you can keep kicking over and over again until you get him right on the Bell end
  14. What’s left of Hadrian’s Wall is only about 3 ft high but I suppose the Romans weren’t stupid and why waste materials when the average height of the little angry sweaty socks is only around 2’ 6” Horrible little McCunties
  15. King Billy

    Jemma Beale

    A plea of insanity would surely be guaranteed to ensure a not guilty verdict.
  16. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Have you seen the new Jaguar Fabia?
  17. King Billy

    Doggo Speak

    I’ve trained my dog to lick pedigree chum off my arse
  18. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Before changing a eurobulb it’s important to check all relevant eu safety, lgbt, anti Islamic, anti Semitic, disability, anti bullying, anti sexism, pro eu, anti British regulations, so it wouldn’t be a quick or easy job and maybe having considered all these unforeseen problems to what at first seemed a simple task, perhaps a couple of highly trained Eastern Europeans could be found to save the day. Otherwise we might as well just admit defeat and cancel Brexit.
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