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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Every household should now expect an updated Brexit leaflet. Something like “People have understandably lost trust in their elected MPs over the last 3 years, and we as your government can understand those feelings. But let me assure you all that a new dawn has come in British politics and I as your Prime Minister will never tell you an untruth. So, Here goes : You are all a complete bunch of cunts and I Theresa May will defend that statement unless I say something else instead. Bye now.”
  2. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Why is Poundland not shown?
  3. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    How effective would that be on humans? and where could one get, say a hi top LWB Transit load of carbide?
  4. A full size orange is very difficult, if not impossible to insert in the anus, even an oversized anus like your own. Bananas are much more suited to the job. And it is common knowledge you much prefer a huge penis in your mouth.
  5. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    17.4 million people could turn up at his fucking 3 million pound West London pad. ( He fancied a change from Tottenham) and point out the sheer hypocrisy of his version of democracy and he would, quite correctly in his fucked up racist opinion, argue that they were wrong and were obviously part of the far right Tory plot. I fear Mr Lammy may be a Cunt. The evidence is starting to bring me to that conclusion.
  6. King Billy

    Uri Geller

    Uri Geller ‘Ink saving cunt’
  7. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Fucking little fat, mouthy, chip on his shoulder, “I’m black.” it’s all the fault of the Tories, British Imperialism, slavery, austerity, Brexiteers, far right extremists, anyone who disagrees or even questions my ranting garbage. I’m from Tottenham mate! I’m working class mate! My mum was a single parent mate! Sorry your just a little fat cunt mate, so fuck off mate.
  8. Surely that’s flame grilled
  9. King Billy

    Uri Geller

    FLAME 🔥 You’re all gonna burn forever. You’re all gonna learn how to die. Oooooh
  10. King Billy

    Uri Geller

    Yeah I suppose all those minor character defects do sort of make her not really a nice girl, more of a shitty arsed, gobby mouthed, crack whore. I’ve got that cunt all wrong. Gonna look more closely at these gobshites in future. I’ve been letting all these fucking bottom feeders and fucktards off too lightly. No more Mr Nice Guy.Cheers Eric
  11. King Billy

    Uri Geller

    This cunts shit pipe has had so much action I would think he could pass bar stools, never mind dog stools
  12. King Billy

    Uri Geller

    Nice girl but I wouldn’t give her a bite of my apple
  13. King Billy

    Uri Geller

    Uri Geller ‘Spoon bender. Why do they always put ‘spoon’ in this description? Waste of good printers ink if you ask me.
  14. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    A week with them Cunts and anyone would be begging for death
  15. King Billy

    Uri Geller

    Breathtaking television. The perfect thing to follow that might be a June Sarpong and David Lammy sex tape followed by mass projectile vomiting by the entire audience
  16. If she had 4 minutes left to live I wouldn’t boil her an egg, the soft cunt.
  17. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    I haven’t watched the video because as soon as it polluted my new 60” Samsung 4K I instinctively and unable to stop myself grabbed a 4lb lump hammer and smashed 900 quids worth of tv into dust. A bit drastic but I stand by that decision.
  18. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    Remember the ‘Northern Tourist Board’ Their video to tempt people to holiday up there wasn’t a great success. I saw a copy the other day at a car boot sale. The title didn’t really help but “It’s grim up north” was never gonna make it a best seller. Apparently it got to no.1 in the factual charts though. Fucking Northern Cunts
  19. King Billy

    Mary Lou

    Yes Boss Man, Sorry Boss Man 👋
  20. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    If she wanted to make herself useful she could walk around Tottenham or Brixton in a hoodie to lure out the knife weilding fuckers, but she’d most likely be related or at least have kids by most of them. You get me blad!
  21. King Billy

    Mary Lou

    Bit late to be out cementing posts, but don’t forget to wash your face in the mixer when you’ve finished dickhead.
  22. King Billy

    Mary Lou

    I always thought I had a birthmark on my arse. Turned out it was a cigar burn. Now then Now then.
  23. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    The most ridiculous brexit humiliation has got to be the bag of shite known as Fiona Onasanya, who should still be locked up, being allowed to vote last night in the most biased piece of legislation ever allowed, (by ‘unbiased Bercow’), and the cunts vote winning it for the remaining cunts, setting in motion the end (possibly) of honest democracy in the country formerly known as Great Britain. You couldn’t fucking make it up. And she’s fucking tagged. These cunts have no shame. Hopefully she didn’t exceed the speed limit on her way home to comply with her curfew, which must be very late as she was in Westminster till gone 11. ‘Honourable Lady’ my hairy shit encrusted arsehole. ‘Hostile Environment’ anyone?
  24. King Billy

    BREXIT Part XI

    I’d been saving that image in my mind hoping to put the news on someday soon and hear Leo Varadkar had been found in exactly those circumstances.
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