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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You’ve walked straight into this one Gypps. I’m guessing he’s going to answer yes.
  2. Unlike anyone calling them-self Dick Fiddler to avoid unwanted attention from the same prying eyes?
  3. You should have just clenched your arse cheeks, put your fingers in your ears and prayed silently to the Lord all those years ago, when your ‘Uncle Henry’ (Kissinger) took you blackberry picking most weekends and battered your tight little arsehole while simultaneously explaining the complicated nature of geopolitics and dribbling all over the back of your head.
  4. ‘Unused comb and half a tub of Brylcreem for sale (one famous owner).’
  5. The torch feature is very useful now that the nights are drawing in and the duskier craniums are much more difficult to spot.
  6. Fuck, cunt, shit, piss flaps etc. etc. What’s not to love?
  7. Frank it’s almost Christmas again and Ive been thinking that maybe you and I could put all your past nonsense behind us. How does the idea of you running one of my Christmas tree sites for me sound? You can have your pick of Palmers Green or Whetstone, and unlimited use of a 2010 Transit after work until the New Year. Don’t dismiss this offer out of hand in a fit of your usual hissiness, as I’m genuinely reaching out to you, in the belief that with my help you might still be able to one day regain some tiny fragment of self respect and sense of dignity. Let me know ASAP as I’ve got quite a few other basket cases who’ve expressed an interest in the gig.
  8. Im pleased that you’re dating again Frank. I’m sure you’ll be very happy together (at least until she discovers Ming’s long dead face grinning at her like a Peking duck from your freezer, or the decomposing, cable tied remains of a missing rentboy in your sock drawer).
  9. …..that there was something seriously fucking weird and scary lurking in Pens hand knitted mammoth hair Y fronts.
  10. Especially the ‘Amy Winehouse all inclusive ward’ (with 24hr room service and personal cocktail waiter for every guest). It’s not called the Priory any more. The new owners have renamed it ‘The Bargain Booze Clinic’.
  11. I’ve just bought a ‘Quinux batforce LX’ It arrived on Tuesday and I’m quite impressed with it tbh. It wasn’t cheap and quite often the reality of the actual product doesn’t bear any resemblance to what’s being portrayed in the advertisements (and the icing on the cake is that the torch function is pretty good too).
  12. With the exception of Drew I think you may be on to something here Raaas. I’m sure Drew wouldn’t align himself with such a rag tag assortment of freaks and misfits (unless he was very very drunk which is an almost 100% certainty). I’m sure Frank has them all synchronised goose stepping in tight hot pants, in the final preparations for the military takeover of Cunts Corner which he’s fantasised about for years, sitting alone in his filthy bedsit every night watching Rocky videos on Mitches 14” Amstrad monochrome portable TV, pausing only to check if Ming’s long dead corpse is defrosted enough for a bit of bum action.
  13. Isn’t that the maximum security top floor at Rampton?
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