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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. All this shit is irrelevant tbh. The WEFminster cabal are not governing for us little people and look down at us with total contempt and malice. The Conservative/Labour Uniparty are in the final stages of giving away any remaining semblance of U.K. national sovereignty soon when they sign up to the WHO Pandemic treaty and enshrine it into international law in International Health Regulations, probably without even an honest debate, just a nod through in the HOC snakepit. This time next year the WHO (largest individual donor Billy Boy Gates, protected with diplomatic immunity and totally unelected by anyone you or I could name) will have the ‘legally binding’ authority to declare a ‘global pandemic’ for any reason whatsoever (climate emergency, mis/disinformation emergency etc. etc.) and mandate their chosen responses (including mass lockdowns, vaccine mandates, allocation of worldwide food and energy resources etc.) to almost every country on Earth who’s duplicitous traitors they elected in the ridiculous belief that they would act honestly on their behalf, gave away with the stroke of a pen, or just a routine yeah vote for something the majority of the corrupt and lazy fucking bastards have been whipped into voting for without even the slightest idea (or care) what they’re putting their name to. Fuck the lizard cunts and everything they now do to harm us every single day without any care for anyone but themselves and their pals on the gravy train. The one person I really feel sorry for is Cameron's missus. Her cunt must stink like a rotting hogs breath.
  2. How did you celebrate your 750th birthday? Did your sister enjoy it? Or was it so long ago that you can’t remember?
  3. If it’s any help with your mental state DC, Stephen Bunting a fellow scouser is currently playing in the Grand Slam of Darts on Sky Sports, and winning at the moment. I know it’s none of my business really but I was wondering if you’re related at all?
  4. I’d have thought you would have had more of an insight into it than 99.9% of the general population.
  5. Distantly, but that’s as close it goes. 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧
  6. Crucify yourself immediately you filthy Gallic blasphemist cunt.
  7. Watch out for the old geezer reading The Beezer.
  8. I bet your Postie hates role reversal like that, when you bend him over and suddenly you’re Pat and his tight back door letter box is about to be stuffed.
  9. ‘Bitcoin for the Guy please Mister? Gawd bless ya Guvnor’.
  10. I know I’ve used it before but ‘Prince of Walls’ lol.
  11. Anyone who thinks for a second that getting rid of the fake Conservatives and replacing them with Sir Queer’s rag-tag ultra-woke conglomeration of misfits and retards next year by dutifully shuffling down to the polling station and queuing in the rain like a grade A cunt (behind the rest of the grade A cunts you’re unfortunate enough to have as neighbours) for a couple of hours, then sitting up all night glued to the fake news BBC ‘Election night special’ while your fat ugly wife is fast asleep upstairs, snoring and farting with her saggy tits hanging off the bed onto the floor, dreaming not about Rishi or Kier’s fortunes, but whether to eat a whole box of Mr Kipling Apple pies or three packets of Jaffa Cakes tomorrow during the Loose Women ‘Post Election Extravaganza’ is a fucking bigger cunt than, well a massive big cunt tbf. The level of absolute contempt that our unelected (even by his own party members) so called PM Mowgli Sunak has shown for the 99% this week is staggering. The globalist takeover of No.10, against the clear and unarguable wishes of the idiots who gave Bozo an 80 odd seat majority in 2019 is final proof that these cunts despise the vast majority of the British population and couldn’t give a flying fuck that we see exactly what they think of us. The entire WEFminster cabal’s treachery is now as impossible to ignore as the suppurating open sores on Franks exposed anus at the Admiral Duncan after Happy Hour on Gay Pride day. Fuck them all. Actually don’t, they’d love that.
  12. Could be a tricky fault with the fridge and he can’t find his terminal screwdriver under the thousands of empty cider bottles.
  13. Did you know that a genuine pair of 1940s Hugo Boss striped pyjamas (size 14” waist) sold for 10 gold teeth and 4 pairs of gold rimmed glasses recently? Frank was interested but they were far too big for the spindly cunt and he realised he was never going to live long enough to grow into them with his bad AIDS and stage 4 anal bleeding.
  14. The ban or lack of it should be interesting now.
  15. Get back to work and stop annoying people. 😘
  16. Barry Island. Probably turned up with a 1996 voucher from the Sun for Butlins and spent two weeks driving around lost through the enormous maze of nondescript, identical Bovis Starter Homes, all occupied by obese, crazy eyed ginger Taffs and their hideous alien looking children. She probably felt quite at home tbf. Not sure about Eddie though.
  17. Aww what a shame. You won’t be missed so don’t bother hanging about any longer.
  18. Try sticking your daft head out the window as far as you can, to get a better view when you’re approaching a tunnel.
  19. Runcorn would be my bet Decs. The toxic fumes from all those chemical plants are well known to cause the sort of insanity he displays every time he futilely attempts to join a conversation. I bet he’s got 3 ears and a traffic cone shaped cranium too.
  20. Not if you bring her rotting corpse to court as a witness.
  21. Put your massive cock back in its lair and shut up, then kill yourself immediately. There’s a good old boy.
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