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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I see Oscar Pistorious is being released from jail in South Africa. Apparently he’s been attacked several times in prison but he’s managed to win every fight ‘without de feet’.
  2. I agree. Deport the black eyed cunt and his 6 year old wife (who’s also his cousin).
  3. Stubbers I’ve ditched all that Protestant nonsense after watching the Paddies torching Dublin last night. I’m now full on Oirish patriot and the Brits can go fuck themselves. The spudders have obviously learned a lot from us Loyalists in the ancient art of rioting and now that last nights freedom fighters have been officially classified by Leo the poof and his elitist paedo ring as ‘far right thugs’, I feel it’s my duty as an Irishman to join them in solidarity against the jihadi occupiers of my homeland. I’ve reached out to Panzywanker and offered him my spare bedroom for a couple of months as long as he has a shower once a month and doesn’t bring any rent boys back after his sellout saxophone gigs. And he’s promised to eat all his dinner and not throw his own shit all over the room. ‘Up the Ra!’
  4. Just about Stubbers. If I hadn’t had 3 Pfizer jabs, 6 AstraZenecas and 24 boosters I’d probably be a goner by now. I’m even thinking of taking my mask off and looking out the bedroom window at sometime in the new year. Granny’s been dead since March 2020 so what harm could I do?
  5. ‘Way to go Aitch Baby. Yoo da maan! Missing ya already’.
  6. Apparently anyone who disagrees with foreigners stabbing 5 and 6 year old children is a ‘far right thug’. RTE, BBC, Sky News etc. were still referring to the dirty stabby fucking savage as ‘a 40ish year old male, believed to be an ‘Irish National who’s lived in the country for 20 years’. The Indian sexual deviant Leo Varadkar has wasted no time in announcing that new hate legislation will be rushed through to deal with the atrocity. Not the atrocity of primary school kids being butchered in broad daylight, but the atrocity of normal indigenous Irish people taking to the streets when one of these fucking unwashed uninvited cavemen goes on a jihadi rampage. Let’s just hope the Paddies haven’t lost their fight that they purported to have in their ‘patriotic struggle’ against the Brits for almost a century.
  7. My mate has a glass leg and a wooden eye. He’s looking to buy a parrot as long it’s not called John.
  8. Reported for post altering (context)
  9. Obama got his long before he’d even ordered the murder of tens of thousands. Black privilege I guess.
  10. Unlike anyone who’s ever had the misfortune to listen to you even once.
  11. The only thing that keeps me sane Raas is the certainty that Judgement Day is imminent and also that I remember reading that Gingers were fast-tracked into the showers at Auschwitz and the rest had to stand in line and wait their turn.
  12. I see that one of your new brown skinned Irishmen has shown his appreciation for the welcome you’ve given him and gone on a stabbing spree in a crowd of five year old schoolchildren. Let’s see you ‘laffin’ about that you pathetic fucking sell out cunt. 🇬🇧NO SURRENDER🇬🇧
  13. I keep seeing Greta Thunberg when I read his delusional ramblings though Eric. I usually get everything totally wrong though.
  14. The way that the concept of ‘democracy’ has been gradually bastardised and manipulated across the entire ‘Western World’ into a system that prohibits the people ever getting a government that is capable of introducing the actual policies and basic legislation that they thought they had voted for is imo a clear sign that history is about to repeat itself and like all ‘civilisations’ before us we are witnessing the final days of this one and countless millions will die during the transition to the next great experiment of the human race.
  15. Whether or not he’s a bumder is no concern of mine Raas as I’m out of my mind with worry at the moment. I keep getting these voices in my head telling me that The Vulcan has died, been beamed back up to the mothership and she’s never coming back. This couldn’t come at a worse time for me as I’ve got thousands of dead trees to shift (for little or no profit) in the next month or so. I’m all over the place.
  16. My missus has had a severely bruised and battered ‘knee’ for the entire time we’ve been together (her ‘fanny’). lol
  17. I was about to give you a like for this Decs but Harold might accuse me of having my head stuck up your arse again, and I’m not sure if I’d be able to cope if he was horrible to me again. Sorry.
  18. I before E except after C. Schoolboy error Raas. Fix up ffs. No need to thank me.
  19. Just the usual ‘women’s problems’ like how to cram his enormous appendage into a pair of tight skimpy knickers which used to belong to his sister (not the one who lives in California, the one who doesn’t live anywhere anymore) lololol.
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