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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. They just don’t want loads of immigrants coming in who are better criminals, drug dealers and rapists than them.
  2. Have you got something big living rent free in your Y-fronts? Answer the fucking question.
  3. 30 to 40 of the fucking rats actually, including the hero who pepper sprayed him in the face from a distance of around 12” while he was being led away, totally surrounded by them and already had his hands cuffed behind his back. Khan’s Gestapo, or to be more accurate Khan’s Sharia Revolutionary Guard.
  4. Have you watched the recent documentary ‘THE GREATEST LIE EVER SOLD……GEORGE FLOYD AND THE RISE OF BLM? Very interesting and totally blows the lid off the MSM promoted hysteria over the death of this vile cunt, which just very conveniently occurred during the summer in the run up to the stolen 2020 Presidential election.
  5. ‘So we finally meet Mr Bond. Would you like some poppadoms?’
  6. Then send Roops over as peace envoy on a twenty five year contract (minimum) to drive the cunts insane and give the rest of us a well deserved break from her incessant fucking brain numbing interference.
  7. The liberal left can’t shout quickly and loudly enough that the election across the world of what they laughingly label as ‘far right’ politicians is somehow an existential threat to ‘democracy and civil society’. Someone should point out to these fucking lying propagandist wankers that it’s been decades of ‘far left’ Marxist administrations that have reduced once great countries to the bottom of the barrel and that millions of people are waking up to that fact and it’s time for the political scammers to fuck off while they still can.
  8. If you weren’t such a gay cunt.
  9. Some cunt I went to school with’s Dad was on Bullseye back in the day and won a microwave and a travel clock. He started strolling around at lunch time like some sort of pre Kardashian style celebrity until he got jumped and the absolute shit kicked out of him a couple of days later. I watched it happening but on balance decided he needed a wake up call the stupid fucking cunt.
  10. True. I think I may need professional help Eric soon.
  11. Best Christmas ever Gypps. Lovely bit of hedghog.
  12. Swine flu is very likely to be the next Psyop once the Gaza charade runs out of steam on the MSM playlist. Just perfect as the flying carpet crew and the oven dodgers will be immune from getting infected due to their religious beliefs obviously. Leaving us white Christian historical oppressors to fight it out with the bongo bongos to see which of us can be first past the post in the ‘Extinction Derby’.
  13. I’m waiting for Bill Gates to get back to me Raas on this very worrying development. Dr Fauci isn’t replying to my emails either and I’m starting to get seriously freaked out. My pal Sid Slackjaw is right now over at Davos where he’s infiltrated Klaus Schwab’s pre-Christmas NWO conference posing as one of John Kerry’s young ‘carbon neutral, non binary, personal assistants’. He’s sent me a picture of himself in his hot pants but tbh I’ll be very surprised if I he doesn’t get rumbled soon, then swiftly Epsteined once the talking stops and the debauchery gets started. I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything, but if not just keep tuned into the BBC, and Chris Whitty will no doubt have a load of new graphs and slides to let you know how to save the NHS etc. etc.
  14. It hasn’t aged well though. If her face is anything to go by nowadays she must have a cunt that looks worse than the Dead Sea Scrolls. I’d rather wake up next to the spunk stained Shroud of Turin.
  15. Sean Tandoori…’The spy who groomed me’ ’Casino Halal’ etc. etc. etc. lol
  16. That would’ve taught her not to try getting in wearing trainers again. Fair play to you Eric. Rules are rules when it comes to door policy.
  17. Probably in 3rd place behind ‘Carry on Felching’ and ‘Carry on up the Khyber Pass’.
  18. I saw a video earlier of Tommy Robinson being arrested this morning by at least 20 of the Met’s finest. His crime….. having the audacity to be in London (the capital city of the U.K.) with two other people in his capacity as a journalist to report on a planned protest against antisemitism. The filth arrested him to prevent a possible breach of the peace which they had decided might occur if some imaginary person became alarmed or distressed by his presence. Britain is rapidly becoming a fucking fascist state who’s no.1 enemy is the ever decreasing white section of the population. Fuck off.
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