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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. You haven’t sold a single tree for more than a month now Eric. They’ve been selling like hot cakes on my other sites in London this week (the hot cake stalls). I’m starting to wonder if you’re really a team player?
  2. That’s how he empties his arsehole everyday when the previous nights jizz intake starts to leak out into his ‘Roy Cropper Range at George from ASDA’ underpants.
  3. Happy New Year Frank (hopefully your last).
  4. My point exactly. The few who survive will thank us one day, and the rest of the fucking flotsam and jetsam can find a home on ‘I’m A Cunt’ or ‘Mumsnet’ where they belong.
  5. Give it a fucking rest you ‘well past your expiry date’ Jurassic period fucking freak.
  6. No. He’s the Haitian Judge with missing fingers….Justice Thumbs. Lololol.
  7. The Corner seems to have been infected with the ‘woke mind virus’ while we’ve not been paying attention Eric. I’ve still got the scars from having my cunt well and truly kicked in when I rolled up, and foolishly thought I could just join in with the big hitters and not have to earn that privilege. The future of this place is under an existential threat, due to the sheer volume of fucking stupid fucking newbie cunts currently swaggering around here waving their dicks about without any fear of being kicked to fuck on a daily basis. I bet Pen is laughing his massive cock off at the ease which the recent influx of fucking incel/homo/leftard/insert any category of fuckwit, freaks have swarmed into CC like a flotilla of uninvited dinghy divers onto the beaches of Kent. Time for a cull imo.
  8. I’ve been doing a bit of (highly illegal) late night taxi moonlighting in the imaginary M4 over the new year Killer. Tbh I’m knocking it on the head as soon as February arrives as I’ve caught more STD’s (mostly Ukranian variants) in the last 3 weeks than all the years running the brasshouse, surrounded by wall to wall whores everyday, and the missus asked me yesterday why my cock has started to look like a tramps foot.
  9. It fucking pains me to say it but you’re right on this one. Tens of thousands of mind numbingly boring, totally irrelevant and tbf uniquely (to yourself) fucking shite posts later, and you’ve finally managed to post something that every ‘normal member’ (pun intended you fucking freak) on here would probably agree with. So now that you’ve achieved what I and probably everyone else here never thought possible, it might be the perfect time to ride the wave, go out on a high and join your hideous and rapidly decomposing sisters by whichever method of suicide feels best for you tonight. I think Tesco are still doing a 3 for 1 promotion on ‘value bleach’ at the moment if its any help. Fuck off.
  10. Her mothers funeral was last week.
  11. Another fucking spastic arrives on Cunts Corner. Fuck off.
  12. Your death would be great news tbh.
  13. A sad inditement indeed of the current state of the NHS. And the fact that your GP sees ‘patients’ in the men’s public toilets at Piccadilly Circus is just the icing on the cake imo.
  14. You’d soon miss me if I got something horrible and expired. But panic ye not, I’m in great health and as close to physical perfection as anyone who’s ever walked the Earth.
  15. Frank is more Reg Holdsworth in the final stages of AIDS.
  16. A suicide video would be perfect.
  17. If he hadn’t caught bad AIDS 17 times it might be his look.
  18. I nominate Sean Strickland for next years SPOTY. See Rebel News video on YouTube for my reason why. Lolololol.
  19. I wonder whether the BBC would be as sympathetic to her whining if she hadn’t paid her TV licence and blamed it on her alleged mental incapacity?
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