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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  2. ‘Ahh! Waleigh Bummer? Velly wuvly bike.
  3. Talking of cannons, how’s your ‘Big Bertha’? Fuck off.
  4. I’d rather think of myself as a ‘pureblood’.
  5. Nick Ferrari, the fucking fat greasy cunt who wanted the unvaccinated to be locked in their homes and fined a thousand pounds for every day they continued refusing to become Bill Gates’ human guinea pigs? Vile lard arse MSM schill.
  6. There’s no need for me to answer this question Ape as you’ve quite obviously taken the time out, laid back, closed your eyes and pictured the scenario down to the last homo erotic detail . Full marks for imagination though and I don’t doubt that you were wearing one of your stockpile of ‘I saved Granny and all I got was this lousy mask’ Covid 19 (lol) face nappies, incase of a sticky accident, I’m guessing around about the time when The Donald’s ‘absurd strip of hair blows up’, revealing his magnificent naked balding head. 🤣
  7. Raynor is just a far less attractive version of Roops, without the delusions of grandeur, intellectual superiority and imaginary irresistibility by the opposite sex. In other words just a common or garden ugly ginger hag with a history of flashing her growler for male attention, then rolling her eyes, and tut tutting when reminded about it.
  8. I’ll call your pair of jugs and raise you a triad of sugar bowls.
  9. How did you work it out then?
  10. James O’Brien… ‘Ooh I love Taylor Swift’ Jimmy Saville…. ‘Ooh I love Jimmy Somerville’ Mmmmm?🤔
  11. As usual you’ve fucking nailed it Ape. In the unlikely event that Donald J Trump reads this profound utterance of yours, he will no doubt think to himself ‘If only I hadn’t wasted my life becoming a billionaire, playboy and 45th president of the USA (most powerful human being on the planet) and instead knuckled down, worked harder in the shed painting more toy helicopter propellors, and ate loads more Tesco Value Beanz, I could have made something of myself’.
  12. I’m next in line after Meghan, Stormzy and Dianne Abbot so I’ve put down a deposit on two adjoining lock ups behind Buck House, one for my Christmas trees and the other to stash the imaginary M4 out of sight for when I slip out the back door for a bit of drunken mayhem and debauchery with the plebs.
  13. Walking home late at night ‘hammered’. Asking for trouble imo.
  14. Rest assured that I’ll make sure the pretty young sex starved wives and girlfriends of all our brave heroes on the front line will have one of the finest ‘non drop’ Nordmann Spruce Christmas trees on Earth (paid for by the MOD but delivered personally by myself, no matter what time of the night). I’ve always had this inbuilt sense of patriotic duty, and tbh it’s just a shame there’s not a lot more like me prepared to stand up and be counted for the war effort. Obviously the fat, ugly and aged 35+ spouses (or as we military types call them ‘munters’) may experience some late (or far more likely non) delivery problems. I expect I’ll be having to make space on my regimental blazer for a VC sometime in early January but hey ho.
  15. Aren’t you dead yet? Asking for a friend (sorry I forgot you’ve never had any, or children and your siblings are all dead too). Hey ho.
  16. He’ll regret his actions one day if the kitchen sink refuses to drain and he realises there’s no caustic soda left.
  17. And he’s still probably got more chance of ever getting a fuck than you, you boring, geriatric, incel freak.
  18. Bullshit. Never happened.
  19. After reading the uninformed and mostly illiterate ramblings of the cunts who’ve commented on this nom so far, I’ve decided not to take part for the time being, as I don’t think any of the participating fucking retards would learn anything from my thoughts or opinions on the matter (that’s if I even gave a fuck enough to have any).
  20. The worst decision I’ve ever made Wolfie. I was driving home from the dealership and it came on the radio that the cross dressing fucking F1 chimp Hamilton had signed for the lasagna and bread sticks munching wap cunts. Needless to say, 1 handbrake turn later I was back there demanding all my hard earned ‘dead tree’ money back. I’m heading home on the bus as we speak and tbh I can’t fault Eddie’s driving, plus he let me on for free (can’t wait to grass him up for that when I get indoors).
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