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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Forget about Viagra or sticky old grotmags. The banshee scream of a Kawasaki 750 H2, or a 500 H1 especially if accompanied by the sweet aroma of Castrol R40 smoke has always been guaranteed to send the claret rushing to my massive bell end (invariably followed immediately by a ‘two stroke’ wank).
  2. Excellent post and I’m honestly and genuinely not trying to pick hairs here, but I’ve read it twice and I’m hearing Harold’s Hill rather than Dagenham every time. It might be the ear wax tbf.
  3. Not to mention the appalling state of some alleged ‘adults ‘ basic spelling ability.
  4. Hillary Clinton or basically anyone with her phone number who could introduce you to her, or give her the briefcase full of cash and the targets details.
  5. Good to have you aboard finally Doc. I’ll let you know all the facts as soon as my ‘Royal lizard investigator’ reports back to me.
  6. Brilliantly clinical and detailed debunk as usual Mrs. Big Brain. When will I ever learn my lesson? 👍
  7. King Billy

    The Brave King

    It’s Camilla I feel sorry for Killer. What a fucking hideously ugly cunt and no mistake.
  8. What’s up Ape? I thought we were tight.
  9. Leo would welcome him with open arms (and an even more wide open and welcoming arsehole), then once Abdul’s tight little Taliban rectum couldn’t accommodate any more of Leo’s organic home grown protein juice, he’d gently rub the remainder on what’s left of his poor little suppurating face, so he would look nice for his new Irish passport photo in a few days time.
  10. Shame you were already about 300 years too old then or you might have been one of them. ’Freaky Spice’ lololol.
  11. Talking of ‘hangers-on’ why not explain that massive thing you’ve got hanging on in your Y/fronts?
  12. I’m only trying to educate about the trick that’s been played on you and millions of other saps Ape. I’m sorry if I’ve panicked you, so please believe me when I say I like you and genuinely hope that you’re one of the lucky 70%. The odds are stacked in your favour, (even taking into account the massive unexplained rise in myocarditis too since the wonderjab).
  13. It might be some new lizard virus that’s escaped from a secure walk in refrigerator somewhere in Chinatown. I hope this doesn’t mean we’re all going to be locked down again for the next few years, until Whitty and Rishi etc. have had enough of partying every night, laughing at how much fucking easier it was second time around.
  14. I can’t deny that’s one of the things which fortunately we don’t have in common, and thanks for pointing it out. So to return the favour here’s another, which I’m very confident (as a non vaxxed ‘pureblood) differentiates between you and I.You probably aren’t aware of them yet (mainly because you’re still alive and blissfully unaware of what may be happening inside your body), but numerous undertakers are reporting and have been reporting for at least two years now, that embalmers all over the world have been flushing them out of the vascular system of up to 30% of the bodies they’ve worked on since early 2021. Up from zero% though before then, exactly the timeline of the ‘safe and effective’ experimental gene therapies, sorry vaccines roll out 🤔. The scientific/medical community, sorry financially compromised, corrupt, genocidal criminals (the very same ones who in an act of mass cowardice knowingly kept quiet and put their job security before the safety of their patients) are now totally ignoring these ever growing number of what are a previously unknown type of clots being found. Well they would wouldn’t they, rather similar to the huge increase in ‘excess deaths’ worldwide since the roll out of the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental medical interventions. And only last week we have our very own ‘oompaloompa’ unelected billionaire PM in the House of Commons, answering a question from Andrew Bridgen MP (one of the tiny minority of decent and honest human beings who possess a backbone in that sewer). “I can assure the house that the Covid vaccines are ‘totally safe’.” Well he couldn’t say ‘effective’ anymore because that would be too much now even for the hundreds of stooges on both sides of the chamber to swallow. 💉
  15. Some things are just far too difficult for some people to understand so don’t feel too bad about it. There’s lots more like you.
  16. Not likely if the RNLI are about.
  17. I’m not saying what you posted isn’t true at all. I’m simply pointing out to you that the story is a ‘nothing burger’ as anyone with a brain would surely have known before signing off with Aaaaaahahahahahaha! Just saying. 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷
  18. Washington DC court Ape. It would actually have been News if they’d ruled the other way, but then I wouldn’t expect you to understand that as you’ve probably been out grazing in the hills all afternoon and then watched the BBC (fake) News through your shepherds kitchen window while you were being sheared. ‘BAAA BAAA BAAA!’
  19. When I escaped from the POW camp and was being chased through the jungle by 3 snarling Phu Quoc Ridgebacks during the Vietnam war and realised I couldn’t outrun them, I turned around, pulled the unboxed Johnny7 (which I’d been concealing for 3 years) out of my arse, and after a brief stare off they turned around and trotted off wagging their tails, leaving me to carry on back to my unit.
  20. Panzyboombaclatkuffercuntbaby, if you’d been paying attention to my recent contributions on here regarding ‘the island of Ireland’ (see what I did there?) you’d know that I’ve had something of an epiphany and I’m now 100% in support of the Irish nationalist cause. I stand with the thousands of tricolour waving Irishmen and women who took to the streets in Dublin yesterday to protest against the absolute sellout of The Republic by the politicians, (especially the so called ‘nationalist’ Sinn Fein) to the globalist, open border, anti-family, pro-sodomy, anti-Christian, tyrannical elitists with their Garda goon squads (black and tans v 2.0) enforcing their treason and the paid fake news MSM spreading their bosses propaganda. 🇮🇪FUCK 1690🇮🇪
  21. I said no to avoid the unpleasantness of having to look at his face Eric. I know I shouldn’t build a mental picture of fellow members, purely on the quality (or complete absence tbh) of their contributions on here, but I’m human after all.
  22. How much did your Velcro attached fake vagina cost (including the roll of tuck tape for your massive schlong)?
  23. King Billy

    Ian Lavender

    None of the cunts could make me laugh, even if they tickled my wide open gaping arse with a giant Carolina Reaper sauce smothered ostrich feather.
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