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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Neither do I and you’re talking to me.
  2. King Billy


    Withers you old fucking grass, I’m sure you’ve heard that last Wednesday your half pint President Macron (or Mitterrand as piss pants Biden calls him) got a law passed that criminalises (with a penalty of up to 3 years in jail and/or a fine up to €45000) anyone who criticises or knowingly spreads ‘misinformation’ lol about (totally safe and totally effective’) mRNA vaccines or any other ‘treatments’ that the government have decreed ‘obviously suitable’ or attempts to discourage any other person from receiving the same. Whilst Im sure you will view this as a huge opportunity to grass up almost everyone you know and a lot of people you don’t even know, I’d like to know if you have any reservations about living in what’s now a police state? Oh and you’re reported obviously.
  3. Noah was regarded as a conspiracy theorist until it started to rain.
  4. You really don’t get it do you Ape? It’s just a PR stunt to send low IQ twats like you and the fake news MSM into an unstoppable and frankly hilarious meltdown and guarantees him 24/7 coverage on the US news networks (those that hate him and those that support him). The Donald is the master at using the media for maximum exposure. Surely you’ve heard the old saying ‘any publicity is good publicity’ Ape? I’m not trying to argue with you Ape, just trying to educate you so hopefully one day you’ll be able to understand the complexity of current affairs and maybe have a sensible conversation with me. I’m not going to give up on the possibility of that happening just yet as I’ve always looked on you as having the potential to turn things around with a little help.
  5. Predictable as ever Frank. For what it’s worth, you’re still the best on here at that.
  6. Are you OK Ape? PM me.
  7. Of course Ape. I’m wearing mine (and fuck all else) right now whilst admiring myself in my bedroom mirror. Without wishing to appear at all flash, my advice to you is ‘save up and order a pair’. You’ll be the talk of the town if you wear a matching gold face nappy in the queue for your next Covid booster appointment. 🤣
  8. King Billy

    Steve Wright

    ‘From or with’ Covid 19 probably. I hear he missed his 16th booster jab, and went out for a late night piss in his back garden last week without a mask on.
  9. Lucky you weren’t living in Victoria or Queensland etc. Doc, or even visiting when the fake plandemic was launched. You might still be waiting for permission from whichever tinpot tyrant State Premier (too many to choose from) had decreed that you couldn’t cross state borders in your own country, not even for life threatening medical emergencies. But tbf it could have been worse, you could have been in N. Zealand.
  10. Watch what you fucking say about Australia Withers or else. Im sure you’ve seen the photo of my Ned Kelly tat so tread carefully cunt. I won’t warn you again.
  11. Are you allowed to go out in Oz now Doc? What about Granny? Don’t you care if the smelly, wheezing, piss soaked old cunt dies because of your selfish so called rights? At least stick on a couple of face nappies so the rest of the sheeple will think that you’re one of the flock, and not some mental ‘antivaxxer’ covidiot superspreader.
  12. I’ve got no intention of interjecting myself into this pointless pile of drivel Withers. As for you leaving your ‘beloved France’ I think that might be quite a good idea you silly old Plastic Gallic cunt, before the FSPB swat team turn up at your chateau (derelict mould ridden hovel) and drag you through the village square with a goose peeking out of your pantaloons. Fuck off.
  13. Donald J Trump is the fly in the ointment/the spanner in the works of the ruling US class ie the ‘deep state/military industrial complex/bought and paid for Washington DC swamp career politicians (red and blue). The fact that he’s stood strong against the tsunami of false and hitherto totally unprecedented attacks on himself, his family and his business for the last six years should be a clear indication to anyone not yet infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome, that he’s anything but the manufactured ‘bogey man’ that the corrupt ruling elite and their paid MSM scumbags want you to believe he is. The tragedy is that we don’t have a single politician in this country with the ability or tbh the backbone to stand up for the British people and our culture against the elected traitors who’ve been hell bent on destroying the white Anglo Saxon/Christian heritage and way of life for the last half a century and longer. It would be difficult to find any factual fault with Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of blood’ speech if you heard it for the first time today, and had a quick look out your window at the appalling fucking state of what used to be known across the world (for very good reason) as ‘Great Britain’.
  14. No one gives a fuck now or ever has done what you think, not even your sisters or friends. Oh sorry I forgot, you have no friends and your sisters are thankfully dead. Do yourself a favour and join them tonight.
  15. Are you OK? Reading this, I fear you may have one of those mRNA induced novel large white blood clots restricting the blood supply to your enormous thirsty brain.
  16. Why can’t you cut out all the other crap and post more like this Harold? 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷
  17. The Donald has his own helicopter Ape with perfectly painted blades, so I understand your bitterness and jealousy. And I’m not trying to get you even more wound up but the word on the street is that he’s never been to Tesco’s or eaten value beans either. Sorry.
  18. Is that a railway sleeper you’ve got down the front of your bloomers, or are you just a freaky old bloke who stinks of piss and mothballs, with a massive cock, lurking around and ludicrously pretending to be a woman? Answer the fucking question.
  19. Owen Jones? I’ve heard he’s done that with several other men in the past (in the split second between pulling out of his smiling gob and thrusting it up his gaping Frank like arsehole). Promiscuity eh?
  20. Are you really asking me that? Do your research Coco.
  21. How frightened are they of Trump to be prepared to destroy the centuries old institutions of the country to stop him? I’m sure you’ll get the answer (not really) if you keep on watching BBC or Sky News you mask loving fucking moron. Lolololol.
  22. Grow up Ape. I’m starting to think you’re not actually as smart as Drew often gives you credit for, and I don’t want to entertain the possibility that maybe you’ve pulled a fast one on me all this time. 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷
  23. I’m not a big fan of military conscription Killer, but I’d be quite happy to drop all my objections when it comes to sending the Mackems to the meat grinder ASAP (if it would help the war effort).
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