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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Covid vaccines are ‘totally safe’ and ‘totally reliable’. Ffs.
  2. You wanna buy a dog? What you mean you no hungly? Bruddy tlaverrels!
  3. Don’t sell yourself short Harold. It’s not uncommon to peak too early in life these days. Shame you’re not a Buddhist as you could set the goalposts a little higher next time.
  4. Ape and I are married now so he knows that firing off insults before we go to bed means no bum fun.
  5. Between you and me Panzy the homeland that you’ve spent the last 20 or 30 years as a freedom fighter (tone deaf saxophone blowing busker) in the century old struggle for liberation from the awful Brits who fucked off back to civilisation across the water back then when we gave up trying to drag you out of the bog and beat you into joining the rest of the human race with us is gone. Shame you lot were too busy sitting around spending all your hard earned Giro money on watered down Guinness, singing rebel songs and whooping to some cunt playing the fiddle, while the local priest was round at your house buggering your kids and enjoying a nice cup of tea and a sandwich that your missus had brought up and left outside their bedroom so as not to disturb him doing Gods work.
  6. The most amazing part of the Tony B Liar story was after taking our country into an unnecessary and illegal war in Iraq with his bestie George Dubya (clad in identical homo erotic flying jackets), resulting in the death of maybe a million people (sorry I meant to say Muslims) and destabilising the entire Middle East to this day, instead of being tried at The Hague and hung by his scrawny fucking neck for war crimes, he reappeared on the world stage (after a short sabbatical) as The UN’s Middle East ‘peace’ envoy ffs. What next? Gary Glitter as Secretary of State for Education? A hologram of Adolph Hitler as Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Board of Deputies?
  7. Trump Sneekers? What size? I’ve got a loyalty card.
  8. I like Putin. He seems a pretty decent sort of bloke to me and I’m usually spot on about people. Definitely not a poof or a paedo and he doesn’t put up with any of the sky fairy bollocks from the ‘peaceful’ sandal wearers. What’s not to like?
  9. “Customers are a pain in the fucking arse”. Frank Kleftico c.1990.
  10. It’s not a trap, it’s a rabbit hole.
  11. Where have you got that preposterous theory from Eric? My guess is probably the darkest recesses of the internet where there are a lot of strange ideas bandied about . There’s people who will tell you the Earth is round, funny men in silver suits didn’t fly up inside a giant firework and walk about on the moon (or go for a drive about in a golf buggy) and JFK wasn’t killed by a man with a magic rifle that fired bullets which could turn around 180’ in mid air and hit the target. Be careful not to get sucked into any of it Eric. The truth is out there.
  12. King Billy


    Righto. Thanks.
  13. He’ll having something to say about that when he wakes up, crawls out of the hedge, puts on his cracked pound shop reading glasses (upside down) , wipes the dried sick off his twelve year old BlackBerry with the cuff of his anorak and focuses in on your slanderous comment.
  14. “Fuck off and get a job you lazy smelly cunt”?
  15. Any chance you could move your fucking motor a few feet forward? I’ve been trying to reverse the imaginary M4 out of my driveway for the last hour. I’m supposed to be meeting Drew for a couple of pints at ten o clock and I don’t want him getting pissed before I get there as he’d definitely blame you for making me late.
  16. Gonzalo Lira, a freelance journalist mysteriously died in a Ukranian prison last month. He was being held without charge for daring to post videos on social media which questioned the Zelensky regime/NATO/MSM narrative. He was a US citizen but because he happened to be a dissenting voice his plight was ignored. Even his death wasn’t deemed newsworthy 🤔. The fucking hypocrisy and double standards of the dirty cunts who are all in with the plan for this war (which started in 2014 incidentally, when the CIA orchestrated a coup which overthrew the democratically elected and legitimate President of Ukraine and installed their puppet, who was then replaced by puppet 2.0) to continue indefinitely so the US military industrial complex can carry on full steam ahead selling tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons of mass murder. And meanwhile the death count is rising daily towards the million mark with all the MSM propagandists demonising Putin and deifying the slimy little lizard cunt in his fancy dress camouflage outfits. Pile of fucking shit and anyone who points it out is told to shut the fuck up.
  17. It’s called Cunts Corner here (incase you hadn’t noticed).
  18. I once met a couple of Zulus when I was walking home from the pub extremely pissed. I think it was the same night I lost my wallet and my Rolex.
  19. On a serious note though Doc, since you keep reminding us all how shit the U.K. now is and how free and wonderful W A is perhaps you could have a quick look at the ‘2016 Western Australia Public Health Act’? Section 158 in particular makes very interesting reading to say the least. I expect you’ll say you can’t be bothered to Google it, you’ve got better things to do etc. but I’m pretty certain you (or anyone else) won’t read it in any WA tourist brochure or any of the MSM rags. Your thoughts please?
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