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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I don’t know what Baz’s problem with you is H. I’ve told him that you’re well OK but he doesn’t seem to be convinced yet. Perhaps if you transferred 97p to his bank account it might de-escalate the situation and prevent any further online hate speech which might lead to both of you committing suicide.
  2. My Grandad invented the windowsill. What a fucking ledge.
  3. Harold hates you Baz. You didn’t hear it from me.
  4. Harold. Between you and me, my mate Basil fucking hates you, but don’t say anything because I promised him I wouldn’t tell you and if he finds out I’ll have to call you both a pair of lying cunts.
  5. Get your Whopper out you big Burger Queen. Sorry I meant to say No.
  6. This is the type of response that could drive a wedge between us Baz and nip in the bud any chance of a lasting friendship going forward. You may want to reflect on your aggressive behaviour before apologising to me.
  7. Can’t help you with this one as I’ve only ever been attracted to women. Sorry.
  8. 🎶It started with a fart in bed Started with a fart but I shit meself instead🎶
  9. None taken. Keep watching and learning. You never know, some day you might make something of yourself too. Never give up on your dreams Baz (no matter how unrealistically high you’ve set the bar). Stephen Hawking would have been just another dribbling idiot sliding around in his own shit if the microchip hadn’t been invented by someone else.
  10. The humungous beast thrashing around in your moth eaten bloomers, which is desperately looking for a way out to wreak havoc on the undeserving public. A weapon of mass destruction if ever there was one.
  11. King Billy

    Hope not hate

    Hope not Hate is a left wing political activist organisation. Funded by the enemies of Britain and dedicated to infiltrating the institutions and political parties of the right and destroying them from within. They’ve just done exactly that with The Reform Party candidate in the Rochdale by-election, not that The Reform Party of that fraud Richard Tice are anything more than controlled opposition to the Lab/Con uniparty tbh.
  12. He’d probably remember that as an absolute cunt of a day.
  13. And it’s been a couple of weeks since she ‘fact checked’ me, called me a thicko or an idiot. I hope she’s OK (which is very unlikely tbh as she’s never shown any signs of it previously).
  14. Alkaline Abdul’s recent reappearance in The Thames should make it much easier for Neil to stock up again, without having to answer a lot of difficult questions and fill in a pile of forms at the checkout in B and Q.
  15. No one in Wales appears to be in the slightest bit concerned. I guess for them no news is good news.
  16. Steve Irwin was a cunt.
  17. And the incontinent. “LMAO”
  18. Righto. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
  19. You can’t say Cunt in Canada.
  20. Careful now H. You really don’t want to poke Killer too hard. He’s not really the harmless quiet Geordie lad you might have thought he is.
  21. Fair point Wolfie. I was just pointing out the total lack of MSM coverage over Lira’s death or the fact that he’d been unjustly imprisoned in the first place. I have no doubt that Putin is a brutal operator and frequently crosses the line, but the puppet Xelensky is not the defender of democracy and freedom that he’s portrayed as by the corrupt MSM doing the bidding of the globalist, criminal political cartel that seem hell bent on WW3 or at the very least a ‘forever’ proxy war with the evil bogeyman Putin. The fake news in the US and the U.K. have restarted their debunked Trump/Putin collusion hoax narrative again in anticipation of Donald winning in November. Sky News, ITVs Peston and the BBC have all had Christopher Steele, the disgraced former MI6 minion who compiled the ‘Steele dossier’ (fabricated and paid for to the tune of over a million dollars by crooked Hillary) on their channels to regurgitate the same hoax that Trump and Putin are currently the two biggest threats to Western democracy on Earth. The fact that it was so fucking ludicrous and categorically disproved the first time around, and yet they are rolling it out again alongside all the unprecedented, 100% fabricated and purely political prosecutions of Donald Trump shows how terrified they are of the likelihood that he’s going to win again. 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷
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