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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Middle Eastenders…….Starring Daniella Westbank etc. etc.
  2. I remember the good old days when you could leave your sandals outside the mosque, and know that when you came back out after Friday prayers you probably wouldn’t find some dirty hairy 50 year old cunt wearing them, while raping your six year old twin daughters. How has it all gone so wrong, and why didn’t the BBC warn us that this might happen?
  3. Probably a hooker. I know about these things.
  4. Ireland is lost to the ‘woke mind virus’ Doc and there’s no reports of another of those miracle mRNA vaccines coming along anytime soon.
  5. FUCK OFF YOU DIRTY PAEDO Have you and H fallen out Baz? Don’t lose your cool. It might be a trap to make you say something out of character. I’ve never trusted him tbh. He reminds me of a weird bloke that used to drink in my local occasionally, but I’m pretty sure he’s dead now so it can’t be him. Whatever you do don’t mention the P word and you’ll be OK.
  6. Don’t apologise H. It’s close but I’ve got you slightly ahead on points.
  7. Ask for your money back. Everyone knows real vaginas aren’t stuck on with Velcro (and your massive cock hanging down your leg is a dead giveaway too).
  8. King Billy

    Hope not hate

    That’s just the way I am ELC. Very focused on the facts and not the type to get distracted and dragged off down ridiculous rabbit holes like some.
  9. King Billy

    Hope not hate

    Playing with your massive plonker more like.
  10. You’ve spelled stole wrong.
  11. The Don is indelibly, and more importantly proudly tattooed on my back H, so I don’t think I need say anything I haven’t already about him. The Demotwats and their MSM propagandists have already signalled their intention to throw the pissy pants, pervy old kiddie fiddling cabbage under the bus soon. They are holding back until The Don is officially confirmed as the GOP candidate. Nikki Hayley who Trump obliterated in her home state of South Carolina last night (despite the fact that she’s raised (from mostly Democrat donors 🤔) and spent $74.5m in her total dumpster fire of a primary campaign so far) is the deep state RINO puppet, who for no logical reason refuses to drop out of the race. Quite simply she’s staying in there to step in if one of the crooked and corrupt prosecutions against the great man temporarily succeed (pending appeal) and they can invent or twist some law to bar him from the ballot paper in November. Vote ‘Michael Obama’ 🤣
  12. No chance Drew. Yew trees are like gold dust or hens teeth nowadays, but luckily for you I can let you have a top grade Nordmann Spruce (non drop obviously) at a discounted price you won’t believe (£75 + VAT) delivered free to your bungalow within 2 hours of you regaining consciousness some time tomorrow.
  13. H I’m not taking sides here but I’ve got to tell you there’s only two l’s in pull. Up your game or I’m going to have to have some serious contemplation about what the fuck is occurring here.
  14. Frank Kleftico…..’My journey from pathetic Cunts Corner rentboy to feared gangland hitman’. Available now on Amazon, and very soon in most charity shops and car boot sales.
  15. King Billy

    Hope not hate

    That has been alleged on many occasions but never conclusively proved.
  16. This is great Eric. Cheered me right up. 😂
  17. This is more like it Killer. Saturday night meltdown lol.
  18. King Billy

    Hope not hate

    You’ve gone and done it now H. Prepare your arsehole.
  19. My mum was called Margaret too and she was well known locally for what’s now referred to as ‘busting it out’.
  20. If you hadn’t fucked up your spelling at the final hurdle Baz you’d have been holding up the trophy, face covered in Lambrusco, with a cheeky girls hand down both sides of your pants by now, but ffs PHENOMINAL? You’ve let H snatch an unlikely victory from the jaws of defeat. Very disappointing tbh. You’ve let everyone down, but mostly yourself.
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