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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. It’s a sad state of affairs here Eric when the best we can hope for is the return of some dead people to inject some life back into the site. Ive even had to punch myself hard in the face a couple of times recently, when I caught myself wondering whether there might be some reason to not hope that Frank will soon be dead.
  2. Curry’s not English. It’s a regional variation of Irish stew from Kerry.
  3. Why not join them? No one here will miss you.
  4. The deep end or the rear end? (I could have found an easy way to include ‘bell end’ but I couldn’t really be bothered tbh).
  5. Quality for sure, and I thank you for saying so, but seemingly falling just short of your ‘quality line deserving of a like’ threshold.
  6. Anyone who travels on the tube deserves to be attacked, to teach them a lesson they’ll never forget.
  7. It’s a hard one to answer for sure Doc. Sometimes when one is faced with seemingly unsolvable dilemmas like this, I’ve found that the only way to resolve the situation is to ask oneself…..”What would Barrymore have done?”
  8. It’s a bit ironic how the very same BBC fought to keep Huw Edwards name from becoming a matter of public record. Just saying.
  9. ‘Ship/shit…… minor spelling error.
  10. You’ve probably set the bar much too high there Killer. I mean Withers survived the Nazi occupation almost unscathed and even got to watch all his former friends and neighbours be executed after he’d grassed them to the Gestapo. And then just after he’d led the local resistance to victory in the war (without any involvement from the British or Yanks) and Madam Witherscrote gave birth to his post war, square jawed, blond haired, goose stepping twin siblings… Helmut and Jurgen in a burned out Panzer tank next to the family goose enclosure, the miserable old grassing cunt contracted and recovered from aids for the first time (currently 7 or possibly 8 times and counting). I know it’s a long shot but I want him dead.
  11. You wouldn’t have been allowed in any of my brothels.
  12. Slightly (but only slightly) less frequently than the occupant of 10 Downing St.
  13. I’m done with whipping up this conversation any further Eric. It’s become dairy tedious and whey too boring to milk any further.
  14. I love electrified cheese. It sends me a bit emmental.
  15. Why not lead by example and string yourself up tonight you fucking abomination?
  16. The good news is that the maximum sentence for someone convicted of ‘hate speech’ is limited to life imprisonment, so most offenders should receive a shorter time behind bars. Call me a conspiracy theorist etc. etc. etc. but I do remember commenting that this tyranny was on its way quite a few times in the past.
  17. It’s a sad state of affairs when the leading candidate to lead the country, who’s got a proven record of sacrificing hundreds of millions of dollars personally, witnessing his wife, children and grandchildren be targeted and vilified by the demonic and deranged MSM and targeted by the corrupt justice system, simply because they’re his family, all for his despicable attempts to call out and try to halt the decades of Washington DC corruption and maybe slow down the international consequences of that corruption, ie countless US interventions, which inevitably lead to the planned objective ie never ending wars across the globe, which coincidentally 🤔 keep the US arms industry churning out the vast majority of the deadly weapons that both sides of every conflict need more and more of, in order to keep massacring each others unfortunate citizens with. 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷MAGA🇱🇷
  18. Shut the fuck up and then kill your self, you fossilised old fucking freak.
  19. I thought I did quite well actually (for a thicko).
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