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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Senator Malcolm Roberts is one of those I was referring to Doc. If you have misgivings about the imminent digital ID which is about to become a thing in Oz, I suggest you check out what he has to say about it (if you’re not too busy lolol). I suspected Jeffrey Donaldson was up to no good when he changed his user name on Twitter to ‘J-Don’, blinged up his sash and started wearing his bowler back to front. Im very rarely wrong when it comes to spotting these type of clues. I’ve had a tip off that he’s currently on an EasyJet flight to Cape Verde for a bit of gardening leave at P Diddys gaff.
  2. I haven’t paid a water bill for more than ten years. I regularly get demands for money from the company that allegedly supply the h2o to my abode. At first they simply demanded payment but after about 2 years the letters became addressed to ‘The occupier’, much like the TV Licensing threatening junk mail which are immediately dispatched to the bin too. No one should succumb to either of these extortion rackets. Your water supply cannot be cut off as water is essential to sustain human life, falls free from the sky, and is not the property of any corporation to sell to the public, much less under the threat of legal action if you choose not to pay. Just like all these private parking companies (former wheelclamping cowboys) who rely on the publics terror at finding a threatening letter on the doormat and paying up, these water companies will do nothing more than churn out computer generated mail to any address that isn’t signed up and paying up. And as for the Thames being pumped full of shit…..so fucking what? The whole of London has been overrun with third world shit people for the last 50 years, so why would anyone expect the river not to resemble The Ganges where most of them used to shit in every morning before our traitorous politicians bent over backwards inviting them to come here for their daily vindaloo dump? Fuck Saddique Khan the pygmy paedo (allegedly) cunt.
  3. No need to panic. The 5G will be switched on soon and the population of the world will immediately be reduced by around 70%. So any of you sheep who don’t want to spend the rest of your lives stepping over piles of masked up rotting corpses, you’d better get yourself down to Boots in the morning and get yourself jabbed up with the latest Pfizer mRNA Covid booster. And the good news is that they’ll only charge you £99 for it. What a time to be alive (for now). Dr. Fauci is a vile little cunt.
  4. You sick perverted bastard. Let’s just hope that the poor unfortunate ‘victims’ see your demonic hysterical glee and admit that they made it all up.
  5. Not to be confused with our unelected sleazeball Foreign Secretary ‘Call me Dave’ who enjoys playing ‘hide the sausage’ in a pigs skull (allegedly).
  6. I think Drew trying to emulate his hero Big Bill downing such an enormous amount of alcohol at The Crucible on TV, may have been a factor in him being physically ejected from the pool competition in his local and placed on the Pubwatch register for life.
  7. DUP…..’Drop ur pants’ 🫣
  8. 🎶I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away🎶
  9. Frank has a private VIP booth at ‘One Eyed Jacks’ if that answers your question. ’Damn fine coffee’.
  10. ‘Women should be obscene and not heard’
  11. What do you mean ‘suddenly’?
  12. Does that include my public hair?
  13. Good point H. I’m actually having a pint in The Mother Redcap right now and the barmaid has a full beerd.
  14. Ape has had 34 Covid jabs, never even looked out the window without at least three masks on since March 2020 and been socially distancing for at least 30 years, yet he’s still managed to catch Covid more than a hundred times, killing both of his grannies in the process. Fuck knows how he’s going to cope when the next pandemic arrives.
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