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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. The 2020 election is over and that’s that but the Maricopa County (pop. 4.5m) audit has been opposed tooth and nail through the courts by the Democrat Party. 73 of the countries top libtard lawyers paid for by the Dem Party fighting every step to stop it. ??? And even though 19 armed security guards 24/7 and a dozen independent observers have been present at all times the ‘legitimate’ winners have defied court orders to hand over passwords and have said that signature verifications have been accidentally destroyed. ???? You can spout off your unarguable facts that everything was correct but I’d prefer to see the evidence if that’s not too much to ask. Just remember that in 2016 several Dems in congress objected to Trumps victory but then that’s OK if you’re a fully paid up member of Blue Anon. Crooked Hillary was still insisting that Donald Trump was not the legitimate President in October 2020.???
  2. Should have superglued the roofbox with the cunt inside and thrown it in the skip at the back of Halfords, then set the lot on fire and parked the car so the fire engine couldn’t get past until the filthy bastard was cooked. Gary Lineker would probably disagree if he wasn’t too busy avoiding paying any tax. Fucking libtard cunt.
  3. All former Admirals or Generals in the most powerful armed forces on the planet. Obviously low level nobodies compared to yourself, but that’s just my opinion as a mere observer. Don’t forget to fuck right off when you’re finished enlightening me with your supreme knowledge. 🇱🇷 MAGA 🇱🇷 😂
  4. I’d quite like to impale your antique arsehole on one of my freshly cut Nordmann Spruces. You’d be the ugliest fairy ever, but at least your appendage would reach to the plug socket to power up the fairy lights. Fuck Off. 😂
  5. What joke? I was merely stating that imo a vastly smaller cock might be the way forward for you.
  6. As you’re a world renowned know all I would have thought you’d know that President Trump is presently residing in New Jersey at one of his many luxury golf resorts, a rather strange move for someone who would be remotely concerned about a nothing burger lawsuit being pursued in the neighbouring state of New York by a mentally retarded and TDS obsessed Democrat prosecutor.
  7. Salvation Army (special forces). Worked my way up the ranks from the triangle to the tambourine. That’s all I’m allowed to say. I’m probably in trouble already. Don’t know what you’re talking about mate.
  8. A donkeys arse more like Ed. 🤮
  9. Speed is for New Age traveller crusties and enourmous fat cunts too lazy to eat a bit less junk food. I prefer a different dessert myself, only because I like the smell of it. And what bird could resist me with my tinfoil bowler hat and my orange sash on and eyes bulging like Marty Feldman?
  10. British Rails Caitlin Jenner. Way ahead of his time, unlike the filthy train carriages he used to lurk near the toilets on.
  11. Absolutely fascinating as usual. Fuck off.
  12. I’d like to ‘accidentally’ drop a railway sleeper on your boring fucking head as you walked past my house on your way to the chemists to pick up your monthly binbag full of hormone blockers.
  13. After serious consideration I’ve reached the conclusion that you might want to go fuck yourself. 😂
  14. You might want to shave a bit off that rocket tucked round the back of your Yfronts while you’ve got your tool box open.🧰
  15. What are your views on the Arizona election audit? Specifically why the Democrats have tried everything to have it stopped? And several other swing states? Is sunlight no longer the best disinfectant? And how do you think ‘potato head’ Biden has done just 4 months into the job? Not great would be an understatement, but never mind because ‘Orange Man’s still bad’. LOL 😂
  16. Come on Ape. Masks are for cunts. I thought you would have realised that by now. Nothing more than a badge of compliance and an indicator to the fucking authoritarian cunts masquerading as governments all over the world of how much more of their fear spreading bullshit they need to dish out to keep the flock obedient.
  17. I can confirm all of Gypps’ posts regarding sheep, face nappies and other scientific facts to be true and all your wild theories to be 100% false. No further discussion required.
  18. Don’t forget to duck tape the window frames and under the door. Chris Whitty says the Ghandi 19 variant can travel faster than a fresh turd with an outboard motor down the Ganges in the monsoon.
  19. My former homeland is a crazy place Stubbs. Two communities who detest each other with every breath they take. And no matter which path the future takes the only guarantee is that there will be a pile of fucking trouble. I laugh every time there’s a so called riot shown on the news here on the mainland as my first thought is ‘Call that a fucking riot?’ Throwing bricks and petrol bombs at the fenians was a right of passage when I was a youngster and it’s still the no.1 participation sport for both sides as far as I can make out. (So it is).
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