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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. I was just about to say that. Its not fair.
  2. They must be fucking starving if that’s all they’ve eaten.
  3. Either would be preferable to listening to him talking or God forbid having to put up with the aural punishment from that battered old rusty spunk filled sax he keeps pretending he plays.
  4. Reported for coming in your pants with a soppy smile on your face.
  5. Those medieval serfs Harold were paying the landowners 10% of their earnings, a tithe, in produce or cash for the privilege of being allowed to farm the land and live in a cottage with their family. Fast forward many centuries and tell me where in the world income tax is 10% or lower with free accommodation too? Perhaps I’ve not spotted any of these socialist paradises because I’m too stupid to have believed that they don’t fucking exist, you thick, shit for brains, living in cloud cuckoo land cunt. Fuck off.
  6. Have you thought about entering this years ‘Eurovision Mong Cuntfest’ Harry? I reckon you’re a dead cert for ‘nil points’ or even less if they bend the rules for you.
  7. The video of the arrest can be found on YouTube. Type in Subject Access and it’s right there.
  8. Today at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, where British citizens have vented their spleen for hundreds of years a 5 ft tall, probably around 8 stone woman who preaches Christianity there for a few hours every Sunday was arrested, forcibly dragged to a police van and taken to a police station in handcuffs for allegedly breaching the peace. She was calm, polite and non aggressive the whole time. The problem was that a crowd of at least 60 and possibly up to 100 Muslim men were screaming abuse and threats to kill her if she didn’t leave. This was taking place feet from loads of Met Police who seemed to think this was not criminal behaviour and not one of these fucking cunts was arrested. She has faced up to these savages every Sunday for the last year and imo has more bollocks than all of them and the cowards in fancy dress costume masquerading as the police whose wages we pay. Its about time that the filth did the job that they’re fucking paid well to do and stopped taking the cowards way out of these ever increasing incidents. Fucking yellow bellied no bollocks scum cunts. Keith Blakelock was a cunt.
  9. I’m sure they’re quite capable of climbing up your trunk to get at them.
  10. The other hand is tightly clenched around his wallet.
  11. Unlike his entire miserable fucking life which is just very very peculiar.
  12. I bet Franks mask has a cockflap.
  13. I’d have a look at its autobiography if only out of curiosity. ‘ ‘Well tucked in’ My journey from BR ticket collector to cockswinging shemale internet troll. ‘Makes Caitlin Jenners story seem like last weeks chip wrapper’. Bodmin Gazette.
  14. Fuck Palestine. Bomb the unwashed savages into a heap of stinking dust. Fuck off.
  15. Fascinating as usual. Proper edge of the seat stuff. Turn it in ffs.
  16. It might have been sort of rape the first time only.
  17. TBF it was very late last night when I posted that, after a long drive home in my ‘imaginary’ M4 with the ‘really stiff uncomfortable suspension’ ©️(thank you Mrs. Roops) and I actually had a good time even allowing for the weather. I’ve decided to forgive ‘her who must be obeyed’ for all of her bad behaviour which ruined mine and the dogs little break. I’m not going to let her know just yet, not until she unconditionally apologises and promises never to moan and whinge in my presence again, which I’m quite sure will be very very soon. Which reminds me. One day there was a woman who didn’t moan and whinge. But it was only for one day.
  18. I’ve been down in Devon all week Eric enjoying the torrential rain and views of the ever increasing mudslide from the window of an overpriced mobile home/holiday lodge listening to the love of my life telling me we should have gone in June when the weather would definitely have been better than fucking anywhere on Earth. Two dogs barking constantly and one just Barking fucking mad. Never been so fucking glad to get home in my life. She’s fast asleep now. She looks lovely when she’s sleeping. It’s when she’s awake that all the fucking ag starts. lol. I think that playing ‘girlfriend in a coma’ about ten times on the drive back didn’t really help either.
  19. I see the lobotomy didn’t work Spazold.
  20. 114% of Paddys recently surveyed thought being gay was now compulsory. The rest said they didn’t give a fuck as they’d always loved a bit of helmet and that women were worse than Protestants and should be banned.
  21. Have you and Roops had your first legal post lockdown hug yet Ape? Or are you waiting for Dr. Hillarys six step Covid safe ‘new normal’ how to hug without killing granny guidelines? Just asking, as I know you’re taking all this never ending fucking garbage very seriously.
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